영어실력이 딸리네요 늅늅...
Kerrigan: This is Kerrigan. ~ Zergs are advancing on this position.
Kerrigan: We need an immediate evac.
Horner: What happened to Kerrigan wasn't your fault.
Arcturus Mengsk: ~ We're moving out.
Raynor: What? ~
Horner: Vengeance doesn't factor into this. All revolutions are about freedom.
Horner: When you figure it out let us know. We'll wait not you.
Hyperion crew: Sir, dominion warships warping in.
Tychus Findlay: Show me mother(?) and mercy.
Raynor: Bad time we keep this revoultion into an overdrive(?).
Raynor: Things like old times ~.
Zeratul: The answers you seek lie within.
TV: Jim Raynor represents a clear and present threat to this Vermillion.
Dominion Marine: Prince Valerian, We have observed attacks ~ coming.
Raynor: Kerrigan!
Horner: What's she after?
Raynor: She's come to finish the job.
Arcturus Mengsk: Raynor... You can ~.
Raynor: We'll see about that.
Raynor: Tell me why I should kill you right now.
Valerian Mengsk: Because I can offer you what you always wanted.
Raynor: You deserve ~.
Raynor: So I'm going back to char, to get the job done.
?: Now,
Raynor: Because one thing I know... something's just worth fighting for.
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