작성자 |
작성일 | 2015-11-03 04:38:17 KST | 조회 | 2,795 |
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릴보우 변명 중에
출처 :
However, even if I practiced super hard I would have beat Life MAYBE, but I couldn't beat innovation afterwards.
내가 졸ㄹ ㅏ 연습해서 Life를 이겼을수도 있는데
Innovation은 못이기니까 결과적으로 잘한거다.
댓글1: Zest가 이기면 어쩌려고 그랬냐?
i'm 99% against innovation cause he is a damn bonjwa, zest is just good/very good
99% 확신함. innvoation 개 쩔고 Zest는 그냥저냥 잘하니까(just good)
댓글2: 그렇게 연습도 안할꺼면 블리즈컨포기하지 그랬냐. 시도도 안하고, 이기지 못할꺼라 생각하면서 거긴 왜갔냐?
If you knew you were not going to win, and you weren't going to practice, why didn't you just surrender your blizzcon round of 16 spot to the guy with the next most WCS points? You don't want to try, you don't believe you can win, why are you even there?
I knew i could beat life, i tried and i practiced a bit, lotv is coming soon and i want to be good at this game. However i qualified for blizzcon because i deserved it, doesnt make any sense to give my spot after i tried so hard for so long.
Life는 연습하면 이길줄 알았다. Lotv가 곧 출시고 그걸 잘하고싶었다.
근데 블리즈콘은 내가 따낸것이다. 다른사람에게 양보하는건 말도 안되는 일이다.
결론 : 핵노답
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