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작성자 아이콘 잉어잉어
작성일 2013-12-31 10:33:48 KST 조회 339
팬텀로드와 서버다운 이야기.reddit
1. A group called DERP is apparently DDoSing League of Legends NA/EU/OCE servers. They also took down Dota 2, Club Penguin,,
Derp라는 그룹이 북미, 유럽, 오세아니아 서버에 디도스 공격
도타2, 배틀넷, EA, 클럽 펭귄까지 다운


2. Phantoml0rd is going to talk with them on vent soon. Watch the stream if you would like to see more. EDIT: Conversation done. You can find it in my post under the "Stream events".
팬텀로드가 Derp와 접촉
채팅내용을 트위치에서 방송
현재 채팅이 끝난 상태

팬텀로드와 Derp의 통화기록
  • [5:15PM] Phantoml0rd is currently in contact with the DERP group. You can see the conversation on the stream.
Derp와 접촉, 방송시작
한 번 끊어졌다, 다시 시작, 또 끊어짐
  • [5:35PM] Phantoml0rd starting playing Dota 2. If he loses they win take down Dota 2 again. If he wins they won't. Screenshot
팬텀로드 도타2 플레이 시작. 팬텀로드가 지면 또 다시 다운 시키고, 이기면 안 한다고 함.
  • [6:02PM] Dota 2 is offline again.
결국 다운됨, (게임을 지고 있었다고 함)
  • [6:20PM] 100,000 viewers!
시청자수 100,000명
다시 채팅시작, 또 다운됨
  • [6:50PM] PhantomL0rd is now playing League of Legends on Oceania server. Will it go offline again? We shall see.
팬텀로드 롤 오세아니아 서버 플레이 시작
  • [7:08PM] It seems like OCE is having trouble again. PhantomL0rd got disconnected from his game.
  • [7:15PM] PhatomL0rd AFK. A moderator of the stream said "The cops were called to his house for a hostage situation".
팬텀로드 AFK 경찰이 '인질극'때문에 팬텀로드한테 전화했다고 함
  • [7:25PM] Even the Twitch staff are concerned now. They are on PhantomL0rd stream chat and banning whoever post disclosed information such as DOX.
  • [7:28PM] PhantomL0rd confirmed the cops are at his home. Screenshot proof
집에 경찰이 왔다고 함 인질극 때문에.

Derp Trolling의 트위터에는 계속 팬텀로드와의 대화
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공홈 서버 현황 포럼은 계속 폭파 중

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