작성자 | 그게모양 | ||
작성일 | 2015-01-22 02:33:41 KST | 조회 | 998 |
제목 |
HOMM 3 HD에 확팩이 없는게 소스코드가 없어서라네요
Community team note: But why only RoE? To understand the origin of the project and its development we need to go back to 2003. At that time we asked New World Computing to retrieve their archives for all the Might & Magic titles. We found tons of documentation and data but regarding Heroes III we had nothing but the usable source code of Heroes III Restoration of Erathia.
아래 유비의 사기는 HD화 작업과 관련있는데 (http://might-and-magic.ubi.com/universe/en-GB/news/news/details-news.aspx?c=tcm:21-188589&ct=tcm:6-231-32) 이미지들을 3배로 확대한다음 처리했다고... 근데 사기라는 느낌을 지울수가 없군요 [...] 요새 모니터 크기를 생각하면 이게 맞긴 한데...
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