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작성일 | 2020-05-01 13:30:17 KST | 조회 | 2,412 |
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도타2 The International 코로나로 인해 내년으로 연기
원문에 We have been exploring various date possibilities, but it is likely that the event will need to happen in 2021.
라고 언급된 걸로 봐서 내년으로 개최 미루는 걸로 확정된 듯.
The 10th International prize pool will be funded by 25% of sales of the next Battle Pass, which we are planning to release soon instead of closer to the event itself. However, with our team working from home and things taking longer to complete, the release date of the Battle Pass will be at least a couple of weeks later than usual.
하지만 내년으로 연기된 TI와는 별개로 대회 기록서(워 체스트)인 배틀 패스 판매는 조만간 시작할 예정이라고 함.
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