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작성자 젤나가감시탑
작성일 2010-10-23 01:21:06 KST 조회 1,605
문명 업데이트중이네요..

한판 할까하고 스팀 봤더니 업데이트중.. 근데 왜 클라이언트를 통채로 다시받는거지 -_-; - 좌표

Product Update - Valve 07:59

Updates to Sid Meier's Civilization® V have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:


* Fix for production prompt that sometimes appears with newly created puppet states that could stop the player from being able to end the turn.

* Aircraft banner corrections - now when you rebase an aircraft, the number will move with it.

* Resource icons now come up with Ctrl-R again, instead of sharing the same button with Build Roads.

* Selecting a great general will no longer cause yield icons to appear.

* Added option to disable auto-unit cycling.

* Fix for full-screen game when running dual monitors. Previously, the curser could scroll off the "open" side, and not be able to scroll the map in that direction.

* Misc additional fixes to mouse controls, and other interface issues.

* Rounded out financial information in the Economic Overview screen.

Details now provided on the amount of gold provided by each city, the cost of buildings in each city, etc.

* Auto-populate save menu with save file name

* Allow selection of other cities by hex from within the city screen

* Added detailed trade route info to Economic Overview screen

* Added new tab to the Economic Overview Screen: "Resources & Happiness." 

* Added option to activate the mp score list in single player (for "always up" score similar to Civ IV.) 

* The Annex/Puppet/Raze popup now indicates how much extra Unhappiness will be assumed with each action. 

* If there are less than 5 buildings still needed to construct a National Wonder, the production popup tool-tip now lists which cities lack them. 

* Added Yield & Culture tool-tip info to the production popup. 

* Tweak information on the Global Politics tab in the Diplomacy Overview screen. 


* Category list now displays correctly

* "Installed" panel now displays ALL versions of a mod but prevents the user from enabling multiple versions. 


* Workers - Added option to force workers to ignore manually made improvements (so they don't change what you decide was best for a plot).

* Workers - Fixed bug where number of turns to complete were incorrect in build action button tool-tip.

* Economy - Fixed bug where players could disband a single unit, and not see the economic return until disbanding 1 more.

* Economy - Increased city wealth setting to 25%

* Economy - Multiple fixes to the way trade-routes are tabulated and recognized.

* Economy - Can now sell Buildings in a city (to help lower maintenance for obsolete buildings later in the game).

* Trade - Found and corrected a Trade problem that could cause your Resource inventory to multiply.

* City States - Fixed a bug where you could not gift aircraft to city states.

* Military - Medic promotion now only provides healing bonus for adjacent units.

* Military - Fix for Minuteman movement.

* Military - Correct promotions for "archer-like" units (horse archers, chariots).

* Military - Embarked units will no longer slow enemy land units

* Military - Improved unit cycling logic. Camera will jump around much less.

* Balance - Engineers +1 hammer

* Balance - Disbanding units now provides only 10% of their production cost in gold. 

* Request - Enable "one more turn" button if you lose, but are still alive. 


* Military - Better handling of unit need (navy vs land, etc.).

* Military - AI will tend to build ships to deal with blockaded cities more often

* Military - Corrected an issue hampering movement of AI armies, especially when in close proximity to enemy forces

* Diplomacy - AI will be more reluctant to offer or accept open border agreements with more powerful opponents.

* Diplomacy - Fix for never ending deals (peace, research agreements, etc).

* City - City specialization and city focus improvements.

* City - Cities that are Avoiding Growth will not grow while that option is selected

* Workers - Priority of trading posts reduced, and rebalanced priorities on other improvements

* Workers - Improved the path-finding mechanic when building route-to roads improved, including a large performance increase when evaluating road-pathing.

* City - Make sure Puppets don't construct buildings that require Resources.

* City - Add a Puppet city strategy that turns off training buildings and emphasizes gold. 

* Military - Defensive tactical AI update. When you are at war and threatening an enemy city, the AI will better utilize the garrison, as well as the surrounding terrain in defense of the target city.


* Exploit - Fix for gifting unit exploit

* Chat - Color-coding, sound alerts, etc., added for in-game chat system, including a larger window.

* Deals - Additional deal validation put in place to verify deals before they are committed


* Research treaties that end because you declare war will no longer grant the free tech

* Save/Load - Fix for corrupted saves being experienced by some players in late-game.

* Map - Huge map crash-during-load fix that were reported on some specific systems.

* Map - Terrain caching fix that could cause problems for certain video cards (the "glowing red orbs" seen on the map are an indicator of this).

* Map - Fix for the low res terrain that appears the first time the game is run (terrain tiles would not load in anything but low-res the first time you play on some computer configurations)

* Strategic View - Crash fix for units rendering in background.

* Strategic View - Fix for selecting units either standing on a city plot, or garrisoned in the city plot.

* Eyefinity - Better handling of leader scenes when using Eyefinity displays.

* Tutorials - Many tutorial tweaks and adjustments.

* Multiple crash fixes.

* Taller than wide map crash fix. 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
젤나가감시탑 (2010-10-23 02:05:00 KST)
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센스 이미지
중요한것만 6줄 요약해봄.

- 각종 그래픽과 게임 관련 오류를 고침
- 이제 연구협약(Research Agreement) 중간에 깨면 기술을 얻지 못함.
- 도시의 wealth 기능이 25%로 상향 & 유닛을 팔 때 얻는 돈 20%에서 10%로 감소.
(이건 이제 일꾼 만들어 파는게 wealth걸어놓는거보다 좋은게 더이상 아니란 소리.)
- puppet-city (괴뢰정부?)가 이제 전략자원 소모하는 건물을 짓지 않음.
- 도시에 지어놓은 건물을 되팔수 있음.(!)
- AI가 똑똑해짐
아이콘 P_0_4 (2010-10-23 02:11:12 KST)
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센스 이미지
FM11 데모 받는거 때문에 네트웍 파라메터 올라가는 줄 알았더니 이거였군요 ㄷㄷ
얼고있는영웅 (2010-10-23 03:06:15 KST)
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센스 이미지
도로 비용 버그라는건 아마 도로가 중간에 끊겨도 무역루트 연결은 지속되는걸 말하는듯?
얼고있는영웅 (2010-10-23 03:06:29 KST)
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센스 이미지
그리고 건물팔기 왕굳
ikiame (2010-10-23 03:08:44 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
game play와 AI 만 요약해 보면


* Workers - Added option to force workers to ignore manually made improvements (so they don't change what you decide was best for a plot).
수동으로 지어 놓은 타일을 다시 개간하지 않고 무시하는 옵션이 추가
* Workers - Fixed bug where number of turns to complete were incorrect in build action button tool-tip.
건설 툴팁에서 완성까지 턴 수 잘못 나오던 버그 수정
* Economy - Fixed bug where players could disband a single unit, and not see the economic return until disbanding 1 more.
플레이어가 한개의 유닛을 해체 했을 때, 한개의 유닛을 더 해체할 때 까지 economic return 이 안오던 버그 수정(음...return 이라는게 아마 자동으로 찾아주는 그 기능말하는 듯)
* Economy - Increased city wealth setting to 25%
도시에서 weath로 했을 경우 25% 증가(기존 10% 였죠?)
* Economy - Multiple fixes to the way trade-routes are tabulated and recognized.
도로 무역루트 관련 버그 픽스(어떤 버그인지는 잘 모르겠음. 아마 제대로 도로 지어도 안되는 경우가 있었나 보죠?)
* Economy - Can now sell Buildings in a city (to help lower maintenance for obsolete buildings later in the game).
도시에서 건물팔기가 가능(유지비용 감소를 위해)
* Trade - Found and corrected a Trade problem that could cause your Resource inventory to multiply.
멀티플레이시 자원 목록에 의한 버그수정(아마 자원 무한 증식 버그를 말하는 듯합니다.)
* City States - Fixed a bug where you could not gift aircraft to city states.
중립도시에 비행기를 줄 수 없었던 버그 수정
* Military - Medic promotion now only provides healing bonus for adjacent units.
medic promotion이 이제 바로 인접한 유닛만 적용(3렙에 배우던 +1 HP 되는 그 기술이 2칸 -> 1칸 된 듯)
* Military - Fix for Minuteman movement.
민병대 이동 수정(미국 특수유닛이던 그 유닛...이동력이 수정됬나?)
* Military - Correct promotions for "archer-like" units (horse archers, chariots).
아쳐와 비슷하던 유닛의 승급을 수정(글쎄요...그 바퀴 레벨업 하면 나오는 이동력 빠른 승마아쳐들 아마 레인지 유닛과 밀리 유닛의 레벨업시 스킬트리가 다른 데 그게 문제가 있었나요? 하도 안써서...)
* Military - Embarked units will no longer slow enemy land units
물 위의 유닛은 더이상 지상의 적을 느리게 하지 않음(이동하다가 적유닛과 인접하면 이동력이 0가 되는 그 현상이 옆에 배만 있어도 지상 유닛이 느려졌나 보네요.근데 embarked 의 범위가 모든 배인지, 수송선만 말하는지는 잘 모르겠네요)
* Military - Improved unit cycling logic. Camera will jump around much less.
유닛 회전 논리(직역하니 이상)가 개선되서 카메라가 여기저기 점프하지 않음(명령대기 유닛으로 자동 카메라 넘길 때 전세계를 횡단하던 그 현상이 좀 줄을듯...)
* Balance - Engineers +1 hammer
엔지니어는 +1 망치 (생산력 +1 되었군요)
* Balance - Disbanding units now provides only 10% of their production cost in gold.
유닛 해체는 이제 10% 골드만 돌려줌.(기존 20% 이던가요?)
* Request - Enable "one more turn" button if you lose, but are still alive.
패배시에 아직 살아만 있으면 "하..한턴만 더..."를 고를 수 있습니다.


* Military - Better handling of unit need (navy vs land, etc.).
유닛의 필요에 따라 더 잘 다룸
* Military - AI will tend to build ships to deal with blockaded cities more often
인공지능이 도시가 막혀 있으면 더 자주 배를 만드는 경향일 것임
* Military - Corrected an issue hampering movement of AI armies, especially when in close proximity to enemy forces
인공지능 부대의 이동 방해 현상을 수정, 특히 적이 가까이 왔을 때...(어떤 현상인지는 잘 모르겠지만 병목 현상을 좀 줄인듯?)
* Diplomacy - AI will be more reluctant to offer or accept open border agreements with more powerful opponents.
인공지능이 훨씬 강력한 적대세력에 국경개방을 꺼려하게 될 것임
* Diplomacy - Fix for never ending deals (peace, research agreements, etc).
무한 협정 버그 수정(자원, 평화협정등)
* City - City specialization and city focus improvements.
도시 특화가 개선됨(뭔 소린지...아마 도시별로 적합하게 성장시킨다는 뜻인듯...)
* City - Cities that are Avoiding Growth will not grow while that option is selected
성장 회피 옵션을 클릭하면 도시가 성장하지 않음(이전에는 클릭해도 어쩔 수 없이 식량이 많으면 계속 성장했죠. ㅎㅎ 그래서 전 일부러 굶겨 죽였는데)
* Workers - Priority of trading posts reduced, and rebalanced priorities on other improvements
교역소의 우선 순위가 감소되고 우선순위들이 리밸런스됨.(컴터 도시가면 전부 교역소 밭이었죠.)
* Workers - Improved the path-finding mechanic when building route-to roads improved, including a large performance increase when evaluating road-pathing.
길 만들기 할 때 길찾기 메카니즘이 향상.(혼자 매듭 만드는 현상이 좀 줄을 듯 가끔 혼자서 뫼뵈우스의 고리를 만들고 다 만들었어요 뿌우~ 하는 경우도 있었죠...)
* City - Make sure Puppets don't construct buildings that require Resources.
괴뢰정부가 전략자원을 소모하는 건물을 만들지 않음
* City - Add a Puppet city strategy that turns off training buildings and emphasizes gold.
괴뢰정부의 전략이 유닛 양성을 증가시키는 건물을 기피하고 돈버는데 치중함 (유닛도 못 만드는 괴뢰정부가 모든 건물 다 만들던 현상이 줄을듯)
* Military - Defensive tactical AI update. When you are at war and threatening an enemy city, the AI will better utilize the garrison, as well as the surrounding terrain in defense of the target city.
방어 AI 향상.만약 당신이 전쟁중이고 적의 도시를 위협하고 있다면, 목표 도시를 둘러싸는 것 뿐만 아니라 주둔군을 활용함(AI는 도시 주둔을 안했는데 도시에 주둔 시키면 도시 전투력이 올라가죠?)
아이콘 [Lv.18-zerodbs] (2010-10-24 02:51:09 KST)
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센스 이미지
ㄴ감사합니다. 수고하셨습니다 ㅠ
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