Cheshirec_the_cat이란 햏자가 배트맨, 아칸깜방을 출시한 Eidos 포럼에 대고
"I've got a problem when it's time to use Batman's glide in the game. When I hold , like it's said to jump from one platform to another, Batman tries to open his wings again and again instead of gliding. So he fels down in a poisoning gas. If somebody could tel me, what should I do there."
'배트맨이 펄쩍 뛰어서 망토피고 글라이드 타는거 엑박에서는 잘 되는대 왜 내껀 망토만 펄럭거리다가 떨어져 죽음?'
이렇게 싸질러줌.
이에 대한 답변.
"The problem you have encountered is a hook in the copy protection, to catch out people who try and download cracked versions of the game for free. It's not a bug in the game's code, it's a bug in your moral code."
요약하면, '지금 크랙 전부 핵맞았다, 게임 버그는 아니고, 공짜로 받아서 하려는 니 정신이 버그야'