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작성자 아이콘 중복된아이디
작성일 2015-12-11 18:16:55 KST 조회 2,770
너프의 기운이 다가온다

Set Bonuses

We have information on new and reworked set bonuses. Read them below.


Tal Rasha's Elements

  • 4 pieces: elemental attacks increase resistance to damage types by 25% (down from 100%) for 8 seconds.
  • 탈 4셋 저항 100%증가 -> 25%증가로 변경
  • 6 pieces: Attacks increase your damage by 500% (up from 300%) for 8 seconds. At 4 stacks, each different elemental attack extends the duration by 2 seconds, up to a maximum of 8 seconds (reworked to extend duration after max stacks).
  • 6셋 뎀증 300% -> 500%로 변경. (툴팁변경?)

Zunimassa's Haunt

  • 6 pieces: Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 800% (up from 275%) more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
  • 주니 6셋 275% -> 800% (이것도 툴팁변경인듯)

Shadow's Mantle

  • 2 pieces: While equipped with a melee weapon, all damage is increased by 600% (down from 1000%).
  • 어둠셋 2피스 근접무기 착용시 데미지 1000%증가 -> 600%증가

Might of the Earth

  • 2 pieces: Reduce the cooldown of Earthquake, Avalanche, Leap, and Ground Stomp by 1 second for every 30 Fury (down from 40) you spend with an attack.
  • 대지 2셋 분노 40소모당 -> 30소모당 변경 (툴팁변경인듯)
  • 6 pieces: Increase the damage of Seismic Slam (addedby 800%.
  • 6셋 대지강타 포함(이것도 툴팁..)

Thorns of the Invoker

  • 2 pieces: Each time you hit an enemy with Punish, Slash, or block an attack your Thorns is increased by 25% (down from 50%) for 2 seconds.
  • 선동자 2셋 50% -> 25% 변경(툴팁변경)
  • 4 pieces: You take 50% less damage for 20 seconds (up from 8) after casting Bombardment.
  • 4셋 뎀감 지속 8초 -> 20초(툴팁변경)

Legacy of Raekor

  • 4 pieces: Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune and deals 300% (down from 400%) increased damage.
  • 래코르 4셋 400% -> 300% (툴팁변경)

Monkey King's Garb

  • 2 pieces: Your damage taken is reduced by 50% while Sweeping Wind is active (reworked from 50% for every stack of Sweeping Wing).
  • 손오공2셋 휘몰이 활성화시 뎀감 50%로 변경(툴팁변경)
  • 6 pieces: Lashing Tail Kick, Tempest Rush, and Wave of Light consume a stack of Sweeping Wind to deal 1500% (up from 1000%) increased damage.
  • 6셋 뎀증 1000% -> 1500% (툴팁변경)

Raiment of the Jade Harvester

  • 2 pieces: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 60 (down from 120) seconds worth of Haunt damage.
  • 비취 2셋 120초간의 데미지 -> 60초간의 데미지 (툴팁변경)

Embodiment of the Marauder

  • 4 pieces: Sentries deal 300% (up from 200%) increased damage and cast Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow when you do.
  • 습격 4셋 200% -> 300% (툴팁변경)
  • 6 pieces: Skills deal 600% (up from 400%) increased damage for every active Sentry.
  • 6셋 400% -> 600% (툴팁변경)

Firebird's Finery

  • 6 pieces: Your damage is increased by 25% (down from 100%) for each enemy that is burning. Elites that are burning increase your damage by 250% (down from 1000%).
  • 불새6셋 불타는 적 한마리당 25%, 정예 한마리당 250%

Raiment of a Thousand Storms

  • 2 pieces: Spirit Generators have 100% (down from 300%) increased damage.
  • 일천 2셋 공력 생성기 뎀증 300% -> 100%

Roland's Legacy

  • 4 pieces: Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by 600% (up from 500%).
  • 롤랜드 4셋 500% -> 600%로 변경
  • 6 pieces: Every use of Shield Bash or Sweep Attack that hits an enemy grants 50% increased Attack Speed and 10% damage reduction (added) for |econds (up from 3 seconds).
  • 6셋 중첩당 데미지 감소 10%추가, 지속 3초 -> 5초로 변경 

Delsere Magnum Opus

  • 4 pieces: You take 50% reduced damage while inside your Slow Time. Allies gain half benefit. (added)
  • 델세르 4셋 감속지대 안에 있을 시 뎀감 50%(툴팁변경)

Cain's Destiny

  • 3 pieces: 5% (down from 50%) bonus experience at level 70.
  • 케인 3셋 70렙에 1/10 적용 (툴팁변경)

Unhallowed Essence

  • 4 pieces: Gain 60% (up from 50%) damage reduction and deal 60% (up from 50%) increased damage for 5 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
  • 부정4셋 뎀증이 50-> 60%로 증가. 
  • 6 pieces: Your generators, Multishot, and Vengeance deal 20% (up from 15%) increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
  • 6셋 뎀증 절제1당 15% -> 20% (툴팁변경)

Spirit of Arachyr

  • 4 pieces: While Toad of Hugeness is active, you take 50% (up from 40%) reduced damage.
  • 아라키르 4셋 40% -> 50%
  • 6 pieces: The damage of your creature skills is increased by 1200% (up from 800%)
  • 6셋 뎀증이 800% -> 1200%

Seeker of the Light

  • 6 pieces: Increase the damage of Blessed Hammer by 1250% (up from 750%).
  • 성전 빛(망치) 세트 6셋 750% -> 1250% (툴팁변경)

Item Powers

Some Legendary passives had their numbers changed as well. See them below.


  • Three Hundreth Spear: Increase the damage of Weapon Throw and Ancient Spear by 45 - 60%. (down from 75-100%)
  • 300번째 창 뎀증 75-100 -> 45-60%
  • Dawn: Reduce the cooldown of Vengeance by 50 - 65%. (up from 45-60%)
  • 새벽 복수쿨감 45-60% -> 50-65% (툴팁변경?)
  • Blade of the Warlord: Bash consumes up to 40 Fury to deal up to 400 - 500% increased damage. (down from 500-600%)
  • 군장의칼날 500-600% -> 400-500% (툴팁변경)
  • Fragment of Destiny: Spectral Blade attacks 50% faster and deals 150 - 200% increased damage. (added)
  • 운명의 파편: 저칼 공속 50%증가, 150-200% 추가데미지 
  • Ashnagarr’s Blood Bracer: Increases the potency of your shields by 75 - 100%. (changed to a Bracer)
  • 보호막 반지 -> 손목으로 변경. 보막효율 75-100%증가
  • Aquila Cuirass: While above 90 - 95% (up from 75-85%) primary resource, all damage taken is reduced by 50%.
  • 독수리흉갑 자원 90-95%이상 유지시로 변경(툴팁변경)
  • Heart of Iron: Gain Thorns equal to 250 - 300% of your Vitality. (down from 400-500%)
  • 무쇠심장 활력당 가시증가 400-500% -> 250-300%로 변경
  • Justice Lantern: Gain damage reduction equal to 45 - 55% (down from 50-65%) of your Block Chance.
  • 정의의 등불 : 뎀감 50-65% -> 45-55%로 변경
  • Oculus Ring: Damage is increased by 70 - 85% (down from 35-40%) while standing in the area.
  • 눈동자반지 70-85%(35-40%에서 다운) 이라고 써있는데 수치가 반대로 써있는듯
  • Lord Greenstone's Fan: Every second, gain 80 - 100% (down from 250-300%) increased damage for your next Fan of Knives.
  • 그린스톤경의 부채 250-300% -> 80-100%로 변경. (툴팁변경)
  • The Twisted Sword: Energy Twister damage is increased by 125 - 150% (up from 75-100%) for each Energy Twister you have out.
  • 뒤틀린 검 75-100% -> 125-150% (돌개바람 뎀증 도검)
  • Deathwish: While channeling Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, or Ray of Frost, all damage is increased by 30 - 35% (down from 75-100%).
  • 유언 75-100% -> 30-35%로 변경
  • Fazula’s Improbable Chain: You automatically start with 40 - 50 (up from 15-20) Archon stacks when entering Archon form.
  • 파즐라 15-20 중첩 -> 40-50중첩으로 변경
  • Zoey's Secret: You take 80-90% (up from 60-70%) less damage for every Companion you have active.
  • 조이의 비밀 소환수당 뎀감 6-7% -> 8-9%로 변경 (툴팁변경), 위 영문이랑 내용이 다른데 데이터마이닝이 원래 자주 이래서 ..
  • Skular's Salvation: When your Boulder Toss hits 5 or fewer enemies, the damage is increased by 120 - 150%. (down from 150-200%)
  • 스쿨라의 구원? 바위투척 뎀증 150-200% -> 120-150%로 변경
  • Lakumba’s Ornament: Reduce all damage taken by 6% (up from 5%) for each stack of Soul Harvest you have.
  • 라쿰바의 장식 : 수확 중첩당 뎀감 5% - >6% (툴팁변경)
  • Bracer of Fury: Heaven's Fury deals 150 - 200% (down from 300-400%) increased damage to enemies that are Blinded, Immobilized, or Stunned.
  • 분노의 손목 : 행동불가효과에 걸린 적에게 하분 데미지 300-400% -> 150-200% 뎀증
  • Akkhan’s Leniency: Each enemy hit by your Blessed Shield increases the damage of your Blessed Shield by 15 - 20% (down from 25-30%) for 3 seconds.
  • 아크칸의 증보, 25-30% -> 15-20%로 변경 (툴팁변경)
  • Fortress Ballista: Attacks grant you an absorb shield for 20-30% (up from 4-5%) of your maximum Life.
  • 요새 쇠뇌 : 보호막 4-5% -> 20-30%로 변경 
  • Etched Sigil: Your Arcane Torrent, Disintegrate, and Ray of Frost also cast one of your (reworded) other damaging Arcane Power Spenders every second.
  • 각인된 문장: 그냥 툴팁변경
  • Orb of Infinite Depth: Each time you hit an enemy with Explosive Blast your damage is increased by 4 - 5% and your damage reduction is increased by 15% for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 4 times. (new!)
  • 새 보주: 에폭으로 적을 타격시마다 에폭 데미지가 4-5% 증가, 뎀감이 15%증가 6초지속, 
  • 최대 4회중첩
  • Boyarsky's Chip: Adds 16000 (down from 30000) Thorns.
  • 전설보석(가시): 가시 30000증가 -> 16000증가 


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발도장 찍기
아이컨택 (2015-12-11 21:46:05 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
뭔 시바.. 다 너프야;;
아이콘 프라지나 (2015-12-12 13:05:35 KST)
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역시 테섭은 고통뿐이야
아이콘 NoWHere (2015-12-12 14:53:43 KST)
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야이 씨-발..
아이컨택 (2015-12-12 17:05:05 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
진짜 ㅆㅂ 돈부 이 개ㅅㄲ는 쳐죽여야된다
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