I was in an interview with Dustin Browder yesterday. He was talking about how much they wanted to put Artanis into the game... So I just blurted out: "What about Fenix?"
To my surprise, he didn't try to dodge the question but gave me a straight and satisfying answer. He said that they know that Fenix is a fan favourite. But to create his skill set, they definitely had to include a ressurection mechanic. And with heroes like Diablo and Leoric, there are too many ressurection mechanics already, so they had to take a break from that. But do not lose hope, because he also said "Give us about 6 months and we may talk about Fenix then".
So, there you go... Not in the immediate future, but there is still hope for Fenix! :)
(게임스컴) 어제 인터뷰에서 더스틴이 아르타니스를 얼마나 내고 싶었는지 말하길래 내가 왜쳤지 "피닉스는?"
놀랍게도 질문을 피하거나 하지 않고 바로 대답을 해줬음. 피닉스가 팬들이 좋아하는 영웅이라는걸 안다고. 근데 데 영웅 특성에 부활 관련이 무조건 있어야 할것 같은데, 이미 디아블로나 리오릭등 부활 관련 능력이 너무 많아서 그쪽으로는 쉬어간다고. 하지만 희망을 잃지는 마. 왜냐면 걔가 "6개월만 줘. 그럼 피닉스에 관해서 이야기 할 수도 있을거야" 라고 했더든. 빠른 시일은 아니겠지만... 아직 희망이 있다고!