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작성일 2012-09-20 11:35:02 KST 조회 3,168
북미서버 환불기능 추가
Our new self-service refunds on champions and skins are now available in the League of Legends Store. In lieu of emailing Player Support and having to wait for a reply, each account now has three refund credits available over the course of its lifetime. The next time you misclick, suffer from a moment of mistaken identity, or come down with a terrible case of buyer’s remorse, you can cash in one of your credits for a no-questions -asked refund.

Here’s how refunding a champion or skin works:

  • Visit the Purchases tab of the League of Legends Store
  • On the far right under Action, select the Refund button
  • When the popup appears, confirm that you want to spend one of your three allotted credits
  • Enjoy your refund

Now, there are a few limitations on how you can use your self-service refunds. You’ll find all the caveats, addendums, and fine print outlined below:

  • You only get three refunds per account, per lifetime
    한계정당 세번까지 가능
  • You can only refund skins and champions, not runes, boosts, or bundles
    오직 스킨과 챔피언만 해당, 룬과 부스트 번들은 해당안됨
  • We can only refund a purchase that you’ve made in the last 90 days, so no hocking last year’s promotional skins back to us!
    90일 이내에만 환불 가능
  • If you own a champion and some of their skins, you need to return the skins before you can get a refund on the champion
    챔피언과 스킨 둘다 가지고 있을경우 스킨을 먼저 환불한 후에야 챔피언 환불 가능

So there you have it, summoners. The next time you find yourself in dire need of an instant refund, we’ve got you covered. We’ll see you all out there on the Fields of Justice.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 Rojoz (2012-09-20 13:47:04 KST)
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센스 이미지
티모 레전더리 환불할땐가?!
아이콘 열대어(WCB) (2012-09-20 17:00:20 KST)
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아이콘 열대어(WCB) (2012-09-21 15:50:06 KST)
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  • (주)플레이엑스피
  • 대표: 윤석재
  • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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