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작성자 아이콘 Selendis
작성일 2011-12-03 16:44:32 KST 조회 3,935
Diablo III Beta Patch 7 – v. (영문)
Diablo III Beta Patch 7 – v.


  • A trial version of the Diablo III Currency-Based Auction House is now available for testing. To learn more about how this feature will work in the beta, please review the FAQ:
  • In order to fully test the Currency-Based Auction House and its features, all characters have been wiped. Please note that this wipe will also affect gold, achievements, followers, and artisans.

Bug Fixes

  • The Blacksmith will now properly unlock for all players after completing the quest "A Shattered Crown: Talk to Haedrig Eamon"
  • Fixed an issue with viewing Achievements while in a Public Game
  • Fixed an issue where players in a Solo Game were being kicked by a "party leader"

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 눈물사마 (2011-12-03 21:03:40 KST)
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  • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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