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작성자 맛규
작성일 2012-10-10 09:52:05 KST 조회 4,294

2주차 패치 피드백인데 흥미로운 내용이 많내요.


Hello again. Back for my weekly feedback.



I dislike the new Oracle spell – not just the fact that is pretty weak, but its design.


The Oracle is designed to be mobile during harassing. Even if the DPS was increased to the point that this was a good spell, if it is required to be stationary during the entire duration of the spell, it is easily countered by well-placed defensive structures or one marine - unlike Entomb. Entomb you can cast and run away – even if you get in range of a turret, your shields can take a volley and you will be fine. Marines might arrive too late, where as they can kill the stationary Oracle before it can cast Siphon for long.


If you try and run away after canceling Void Siphon, you just lose 50 energy.


Against a Zerg I tried it as well; not using energize so I could (attempt) to use it for purify, making up for my lack of defense by going early stargate. He had a baneling nest right at the edge of the cliff. I tried Siphoning it from as far out in the air as I could. No luck – the queen could still target it.


I’ve tried Energizing an early Oracle and using all 200 energy on Siphon in PvT, but it wasn’t even mildly effective. There was no spot I could use it where marines couldn’t still reach it, and consequently a single marine would shoot at it, forcing me to cancel the channel and try again. I made several attempts, but I quickly ran out of energy. I was able to channel it for some time once; but not enough to make up for 200 lost energy that could have been spent on two Entombs.


That leads me to another thing. While theoretically it would be nice if one spell was better in different situations (before Static Defense and after Static Defense, for an example) currently it feels like Entomb is just better in all situations. You don’t want to risk wasting half of an Entomb if Void Siphon is canceled, and often after an Entomb you have an odd amount of Energy left – not enough for Siphon. You could buff Void Siphon; but that might just create the opposite effect - I think the design of Void Siphon just needs to be tweaked.


My proposed change is to make the Oracle’s Void Siphon to be an auto-cast spell that takes energy for each tick of damage\minerals. It would still have to be stationary to cast. This would fix the first issue – the Oracle could still be chased off, but instead of canceling the cast and wasting energy, it could re-position to continue harassing.


I think it would fix the second issue as well. For one thing, it wouldn’t seem as risky to try and Siphon if you didn’t have the danger of wasting half the energy you stored up for Entomb. Secondly, you could use Siphon even if you don’t have a sold 50 energy left after Entomb – or you could decide to use all of your energy on Siphon.


Since I started writing this post, I’ve seen other people suggest essentially the same thing as me – except they suggest making the spell an attack, rather than an auto-cast spell. The only difference I see in this is that it would cost no energy at all.


Unless, of course, making it be an attack would make room for a different third spell instead. I still have vain hopes for the Oracle having a spell that can support early game air play.


I don’t have only harsh words to say about it, though. Let’s focus on the good part. In theory it would be good because it would require the enemy to actively respond. Unlike Entomb, the longer the Oracle stays there, the more damage it does. It could give the Oracle a greater sense of threat. Heck, I could see it replacing Entomb (in favor of a new spell for air support or anti-caster like before) if it was more micro-heavy (as per suggestions)


In reality, it takes SO long to do meaningful damage and can be repelled by one marine that this is not the case. It can also be hard for the opponent to “feel” the damage that giving minerals to the opponent is doing, since it doesn’t directly affect them. In that vein of thinking, even if the mineral income is not increased I would like to see a damage increase.


If it was more powerful, the Terran would think “Oh shoot, I’ve got to go kill the Oracle before it kills something! I’ve got to repair that depo before it burns down!” instead of laughing is it tickles a building. If it was more mobile, they would think “I’ve gotta kill that dang Oracle or it will keep harassing me!” instead casually sending one spare Marine over to chase it off and waste its energy.


Widow Mine

Everybody is aware of (and harps on) the imbalance of the Widow Mine, currently. I’ll try not to repeat that. It’s basically just "good" at everything (cloaked, air, clumped, single units, defensive, offensive) with a cheap cost and the ability to be built two at a time. The devs will just have to decide what they want it to be good at, and adjust balance accordingly.


My biggest concern is just the combination of hitting cloaked units and hitting air units. This causes it to be able to destroy Overseers and Observers easily - of course, this can be mitigated with good control but it is very unfriendly to most lower level players. It is incredibly irritating to have your Observer die because you didn’t see a Widow Mine beneath other Terran units or accidentally moved it with the rest of your army.


Perhaps more of a concern, it seems to overlap quite a bit with Turrets now – where turrets were once used to defend against banshees, kill observers, and fend off Mutalisk harass, Widow Mines can do all of those. I am curious as to why the devs felt like attacking cloaked units was necessary. Defensively, does the Widow Mine have to shut down everything, making turrets or other forms of defense never required? Aggressively, I don’t see why requiring Terrans to scan at the right time so Widow Mines can kill cloaked units is such a bad thing.


Mothership Core

Sigh. I have to resentfully admit that this unit “works” now, but I still haven’t had much luck with it. (I’ve been getting a LOT of PvT’s when I play as Protoss, so I’ve not yet had to use it in PvP a lot -- I’m not sure how Purify\Early aggression works out yet) It feels like a shade of its former glory. Unfortunately I can’t really point out a specific flaw, and I’m probably just not using it well. A base overview is that often mistakenly leave it lying about my base, or it gets killed in some attack or battle and I don’t realize it, so it’s not alive when I do need to use it. In short, it’s never were I need it when I want it even if I have a specific use in mind – with the exception of Energize. It feels too weak\slow\squishy to use with my army with the exception of cheeses and harass, but it *requires me to do so* for recall.


So I’ll give you examples from each matchup:


PvT: Widow Mines have been making my priority figuring out how to kill them\defend against them. The Core doesn’t really help that without detection, and sometimes dies to them if I be reckless. Widow Mines have discouraged me from going Oracles, so I’ve not used Energize much. Late game only Recall is really very good, and I often lose my core in an engagement before I can use it.


PvZ: The time when I’ve needed Purify is to defend my Nexus while it is in construction, and (unless I have been sorely mistake the entire time) you can’t put Purify on the Nexus while it is constructing. After it goes up, I either use it to Energize an Oracle or I am being ling\bling all-inned and purify doesn’t help – I need forcefields to prevent them from connecting or getting in to my base. Again, this is a specific example.


PvP: I moved out to harass with blinkstalkers and my Core. Halfway I met his immortal army. It was too big to fight; I had to retreat to defend. My core was too slow and fell behind. I could not use recall because I needed the energy right away for Purify. I could not save it; or the Immortals would shred my current ground army. As a result, it got picked off at the back and died before I could use it for anything, and I lost to the subsequent push.


Again, it doesn’t really point to a specific weakness of the MSC. I just haven’t had any luck with it.


Focus for next week


Dayvie did not state his design docket for this week. Besides continuing revision of the Oracle and the Widow Mine, I really feel they need to start focusing on primarily the Viper, but also the Tempest.


These are both tricky, because they are high tech units. It’s very easy to say “Oh, we just don’t see them much because they are so high tech. People haven’t had time to figure out how to use them”


Yet this isn’t completely true. I’ve personally both used and seen other people use both. The Tempest I feel needs a 50 gas cost reduction at least, and *possibly* a minor DPS buff. Any game I’ve seen it successfully used in, the Protoss had to have a significant economic advantage before he was able to construct them, or else he simply could not afford it.


The Viper is difficult to use, so it’s hard to say. In my personal experience, it seems too squishy. It being an air unit tends to cause it to be quite open to attacks – the enemy often successfully uses it’s abilities against me (with good effect) only to have them die to stalker fire and wind up a wasted investment.


On top of that, Blinding Cloud needs an evaluation. Before it could be used on only biological units, and people felt it was too limiting. After being changed to allow any targets (and the nerfs associated) it has the opposite problem – the radius and duration is so small and short, it can only effectively be used versus tanks and stationary structures. Sure; it has more health than an Infestor (which is also vulnerable, but in a good way) but it is higher tech, costs more, is flying, and – most importantly – can’t burrow.


Overall of the new units I feel like the Viper has been the least used and has received the least attention, and the Tempest hasn’t found its place yet. The rest of the units are either good (Swarm Host, Battle Hellion) or are in the process of metamorphosis (Widow Mine.)


Again, this represents my experiences as a Platinum Protoss. I usually write these about 4 days after the patch, so even though I try and ladder a lot in that amount of time there is only so much game experience and knowledge you can acquire in that sort amount of time.


Hopefully it is a helpful post in some way. In the future, I will try and include more specific examples and replays demonstrating my points.




오라클에 해당하는 내용의 경우. 새로운 3번째 스킬의 수정이 가해질 것 같내요.



Since I started writing this post, I’ve seen other people suggest essentially the same thing as me – except they suggest making the spell an attack, rather than an auto-cast spell. The only difference I see in this is that it would cost no energy at all.



오라클의 3번째 잉여스킬이 마나소모 없는 패시브 스킬이 될 수 있다고 하는군요. (스킬에서 공격으로 변경되고

건물 공격시 미네랄 흡수의 형태)


위도우 마인의 경우 터렛과 중첩. 그 결과 수정이 된다는 내용인것 같내요. 클로킹 유닛과 공중유닛 타격이 사라지지 않을까 생각되내요.



마더쉽 코어의 경우 버프가 일어날 변수가 크내요 =_=;; It feels too weak\slow\squishy to use with my army with the exception of cheeses and harass, but it *requires me to do so* for recall. 너무 약하고/느리고/질철물렁?(이건 뭔 뜻인지 모르겠내요..-_-...)



다른 베틀넷의 포스팅을 보면 돌아오는 주의 패치에는 플토 버프가 있다고 하는 걸 보아 마더쉽 코어와 오라클의 버프 그리고 위도우 마린의 너프가 주요 관점이겠내요... 저그는....음....아직 크게 변동사항이 없내요.

WEEKLY FEEDBACK #2 포스팅 작성자는 개발자가 아닌 플레이어입니다. 다만 일반 플레이어는 아니라 의견 반영의 여지가 크다 생각됩니다. 



지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 개잡는사나이 (2012-10-10 10:32:38 KST)
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센스 이미지
스킬이던 일반 공격이던 상대건물을 100초동안 때려야 300원 이득보는 효과를 어떻게 써야 잘썼다고 할까요?
위도우마인은 공중공격을 빼면 군숙하고 거의 흡사한 유닛이 되어버리지 않나요?
아이콘 파일런소환 (2012-10-10 10:34:03 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
스1떄부터 7년동안 내가 테란을 햇는데 ㅅㅁ 이대로 라면 테란접을수밖에;
아이콘 프레리닭 (2012-10-10 11:31:09 KST)
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흠 그래도 밸런스 수정 열심히 해주는거 같아서 좋다
myrah (2012-10-10 12:00:38 KST)
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이 글은 쓴 플레이어가 북미 1v1 다이아네요
그나마 저번 시즌에는 플레티넘...
게시판에서 MVP주는건 게임 실력이 아니라 얼마나 자발적으로 게시판 커뮤니티에 도움을 주었냐가 관건이라 별로 대단한 영항을 미치지 않을것 같네요.
맛규 (2012-10-10 13:15:42 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
/myrah 공감합니다. 근데 플토버프는 확실한 것 같습니다.

Protoss are going to get some buffs this week. Hopefully they will make a difference for you. But we are still in beta, so I can't promise they will be enough.

I'm very sorry you don't feel we have been paying attention. We have been reading a lot of threads but it is impossible to read them all. We will try to do better.

아이콘 동화작용완료 (2012-10-10 14:16:31 KST)
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분명 군단의 심장인데 저그는 군숙 너프후 조용... 좀 건들여주면 안되겠니???
아이콘 내가바로너 (2012-10-10 18:48:28 KST)
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아이콘 폭풍함 (2012-10-10 22:57:15 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
제가 간단히 요약해줌.

1번: 예언자 3번째 새로운 스킬은 성능 자체에도 문제가 있다고는 보지않는다. 그저 예언자라는 유닛과 맞지 않는다.

2번: 거머리지뢰가 사기인 이유는 은폐유닛, 공중유닛한테도 공격이 되는점이다.

3번: 모선 내 입장에서 어떻게 쓰는지 모르겠다. 컨셉좀 잡아 ㅡㅡ

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