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작성자 아이콘 MIGCoCa
작성일 2012-11-07 23:21:35 KST 조회 3,832
리그오브레전드 프리시즌 변경점들.

Hey folks,

As recently outlined, we’re going to be taking the opportunity to roll out some gameplay changes during the Preseason that we think will make League of Legends even better. Overall, we’re really satisfied with the diversity of champions that are viable at all levels of competition, and the variety of winning strategies that are out there. But we think there are ways we can still improve game pacing, champion diversity within roles, and customization options. The Preseason gives us an opportunity to look at some of the underlying systems that define the game, and make improvements there.

Items: One of the biggest places we feel we can add some interesting strategic decisions to is the item system. Many of you have told us that you’d like to see more build variety, and more interesting gameplay on items. We couldn’t agree more!

You’ll see some rebalancing of the existing items, but there’s also a slew of brand new items to spark your imagination and reward your ingenuity.

Xypherous will be giving some juicy, juicy details on this, but here are a few things to expect:

  • Underserved classes (AD Casters, for example) will get more items targeted specifically at their role
  • Most of your old favorites will be sticking around – we want more options, but we don’t want the item shop to be totally alien
  • A few items that have been challenging to elegantly balance are being removed in favor of the new options
  • We’re taking a look at overall gold and stat balancing
  • Many old items have received new upgrade paths or additional upgrade paths
  • Supports are getting some items to help ease the ward burden in longer games

This is the biggest change and, frankly, it’s pretty damn exciting. We’re really interested to see what people discover, and we’re confident this will help add some diversity and interesting choice to how you’ll be building your champions in the future.

Jungle: Much like we did at the start of Season 2, we’ll be featuring jungle mechanics changes for this preseason as well.

We liked a lot of the flow and feel improvements to the jungle (opened up non-safe junglers, more ganks, etc.), but there’re some things we can still improve. We had two major goals here: to add to the number of viable junglers, and to change the gank flow to ensure that the jungler isn’t the only role that defines the flow of the game during the laning phase.

Statikk will be revealing more complete details on the changes, but we believe this will have some positive effects on the metagame and improve champion viability, even in lane. We’ve even included new jungle-specific items (now there’s more than just Madred’s!)

Masteries: Another big opportunity is masteries. While we want to add variety to your mastery choices, there are also few specific areas we want to improve:

  • Going deep in the Utility Tree is currently underwhelming
  • Early flat Magic Resistance and Armor prevent people from being killed even if they get really outplayed in lane
  • There aren’t enough “cool” masteries

To this effect, FeralPony’s been busy taking a jackhammer to our masteries to fix these problems – all the while looking for opportunities to add more interesting things to mastery builds. He’ll be on hand later in the week to talk about the changes in-depth, and to dig into a few specific examples.

Summoner Spells: Last, and definitely not least, we’re taking a look at our summoner spells. A couple sneak peeks:

  • We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power
  • We’ve added a certain shielding spell from Proving Grounds, and made it so Heal is actually a support skill
  • We’re generally buffing some of the weaker skills up!

It’s our hope that these changes will give you more options for customizing your spells to suit your own playstyle or the needs in a given matchup while keeping the cool gameplay of the existing favorites. While I’d love to take credit for actually buffing stuff, good guy Roku is heading this up, so I’ll save the grand reveal for him.

This is an initiative we believe will add even more strategic diversity to League of Legends, and introduce new gameplay to master.

Let’s be clear: this will be an iterative process. We know that your games are going to play out differently than you’re used to and we’ll be watching like a hawk for any issues that we need to patch. If there’s something that’s really breaking your game experience, we won’t be afraid to hotfix things under extreme circumstances. Be sure to keep your feedback coming throughout the preseason, and look for more specifics on upcoming changes from Xypherous, Statikk, FeralPony, and Roku in the next few days!



간단 요약


안녕하세요 여러분

최근에 언급드렸다시피 리그오브레전드를 더욱 나은 게임으로 만들기 위해 저희가 구상했던 게임내 몇가지 변화에 관해 이야기해보겠습니다. 전반적으로 승리를 위한 전략이나 모든 레벨에서 사용가능한 챔피언들의 다양성에 관해선 굉장히 만족하는 편입니다. 그러나 저흰 여전히 게임의 진행속도, 역할별로 나뉘어있는 챔피언의 다양성, 커스터마이즈 옵션에 관해선 향상시킬 부분이 여전히 있다고 봅니다. 프리시즌은 이러한 부분은 유저여러분들이 체험할 수 있는 기회가 될것입니다.

아이템: 전략적인 결정을 내리는데에 있어 가장 큰 큰 변화를 줄수있는것중 하나는 아이템 시스템입니다. 많은 여러분들이 더욱 다양한 아이템 빌드와 아이템으로 더욱 다양한 게임내 플레이를 원한다는 것을 요청해왔고 저희도 많이 동감하고있습니다.

현존하는 몇몇 아이템의 리밸런싱이 이루어질거며 새로운 아이템들이 여럿 등장할 예정입니다.
Xypherous 가 몇가지 디테일한것들을 설명해드리겠습니다.
-잘 사용되지 않는 역할(AD Caster과 같은)들을 위한 아이템이 추가될것입니다.
-대부분의 유저들의 아이템 선택의 폭이 굉장히 좁습니다. 저희는 유저들이 더욱 다양한 선택을 할수있게 하고싶지만 그렇다고 아이템상점을 한번에 확 개편하진않을것입니다.
-OP라고 생각되는 몇몇 아이템들의 옵션이 수정될것입니다.
-저흰 전박적인 골드와 스탯 밸런스에 유심히 지켜보고있습니다.
-여러 오래된 아이템들은 새롭게 업그레이드되거나 추가적인 성능을 지니게됩니다.

-서포터로 장시간 게임 시 와드의 부담을 덜어주기위한 몇 아이템이 등장할것입니다


정글: 시즌2를 시작했을때와 같이 굉장히 유사하게 이번 프리시즌에서도 정글메카니즘에 변화를 주었습니다.
저흰 지금 정글메카니즘에 굉장히 만족하지만 여전히 향상시킬수있는 부분이 있다고봅니다. 지금 저희가 구상하는 두가지 주요한 변화는: 1. 사용가능한 정글러의 숫자의 증가와 2. 정글러는 라인 단계에서 게임의 흐름을 주도하는 유일한 역할이 아님을 보여줄수있도록하는 갱킹흐름의 변화입니다.

그뒤론 별로 중요치도 않고 제가 시간도 없어 한줄요약으로…
마스터리: 프리시즌의 또 다른 큰 변화는 마스터리입니다이라고 써놨지만 상세한 내용은 없습니다
소환자주문:점멸,점화와 같이 많이 사용되는 주문의 쿨다운은 증가시키고 현재 약하다고 느껴지는 주문들은 더욱 강력하게 만들것이며 보호막 계열의 주문이 생길것입니다.



ad 캐스터 아이템생김

정글 이 더욱 다양해질거., 상향조정.

마스터리 및 스펠 많이 바뀜.


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신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

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