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작성자 아이콘 소소한행복
작성일 2012-12-21 09:32:57 KST 조회 2,986
바이 테마 mp3

C:\Riot Games\League of Legends KR\RADS\projects\lol_air_client\releases\\deploy\assets\sounds\ambient\LoginScreenIntro.mp3

아래는 가사

She's such a misfit, always ready to brawl

It's like her business, roughing up your friends as the law

There is no difference, if you believe you're strong

She's a bulldozer making sure you're flat on the ground

She's like a boomerang, who never gives up

She flies in circles till she hits you and you're biting the dust

So just remember this, when she's chasing you down

Face first you'll be thrown onto the Proving Grounds

She'll knock you out

Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy?

Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the rough?

Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force had style combine well?

I guess now it's time to shine, cause finally,

She's here,

Here comes Vi

And as a matter of fact, the best bet one has is to quickly react

to the first attack that's aiming for the bones

cause she'll never pull back and just risk it.

Have you ever really wanted to be a total rebel flipping tables on the enemy?

Did you ever try to further improve how fast you punch people through the rough?

Was there ever any certain time when you thought brute force had style combine well?

I guess now it's time to shine, cause finally,

She's here,

Here comes Vi

요약:그녀는 쎄 매우쎄 존나쎄 깝치지마 이제 바이가 온다

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발도장 찍기
할닉네임이없다 (2012-12-21 10:23:08 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
폴더링크가 찰지는군요
아이콘 줄다리기 (2012-12-21 11:01:43 KST)
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ㄴ 기본 경로로 롤을 깔았다면 자기 컴에 있는 게 재생되니 괜찮습니다
할닉네임이없다 (2012-12-21 11:11:20 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 아녀 그냥 별생각없이 단건댕 ㄷㄷ
아이콘 소소한행복 (2012-12-21 14:17:27 KST)
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어라 진짜 저대로 입력하니까 플레이되네;;난 원본파일이 저경로에 있다는 뜻으로 써놓은거였는데;;;
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