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작성자 아이콘 프로토스집정관
작성일 2013-05-04 23:52:07 KST 조회 4,730
렝가 버프 사항 관련 언급

I may not be Morello, but figured I can provide some insight on the Rengar changes for you guys .

The main point to emphasize is that we're not trying to change Rengar's feel at all. What we do want to change is some of the not so appreciated components of Rengar that make him difficult to balance. 

One of these problems is the fact that his Ferocity effects are more powerful based on the rank of the spell. As seen since Rengar's release, builds that capitalize on double casting the ability you're maxing has been problematic (early double Q all-in builds/Tank splitpush double W build). The current solution for this problem is scaling his Ferocity effects with his level across the board (like his heal currently does). 

This will make the Ferocity effects equal in power regardless of what you are maxing, allowing you to choose the Ferocity effect that is best suited for the situation you are in instead of being obligated to use whatever spell you have the most points in. This will also allow us to put more power into his base stats and base abilities which should help with his jungle clear.

Another change we're currently looking at is tweaking how his ultimate works. Currently Rengar jumps at you out of no where and it's very hard to react to him because there's not much information being conveyed to the opponent. Now when Rengar activates his ultimate all enemies that Rengar sees will be made aware that he's in the area. What this does is gives the opponent more information so that they can react to the situation. 

With this change it allows us to put a lot more power into the ultimate, increasing the duration and speed. While Rengar may lose the ability to jump on an unsuspecting enemy, it enables him to create really cool mind games and toy with his opponents which we've seen from internal testing. On top of that Rengar can get to a location much quicker and stay in stealth much longer retaining the feel of hunting down wounded opponents or scouting an area for priority targets.

Nothing here is set in stone but it's currently the direction we're going, hopefully that helps shed some light on the upcoming Rengar changes.

Edit: While Rengar may lose the ability to jump on an unsuspecting enemy is getting misinterpreted as his leap is being removed from his ultimate. Should have described this in another way :P, he still will keep his leap while the ultimate is active.

요약 번역을 하자면

첫번째로, 렝가의 야성 효과는 그의 스킬 레벨에 비례해 큰 효과를 발휘하며 게임에 영향을 미친다.(Q선마 쌍Q누킹이라던가 W선마 쌍W의 라인클리어) 이 경향을 고치기 위해 현 렝가 W처럼 스킬레벨이 아닌 렝가 자체의 레벨에 따라 야성효과에 보너스 부여를 할예정. 또한 이렇게 될경우, 스택을 쌓는동안 렝가는 굉장히 약해질수 있으니 렝가의 자체 스탯과 스킬의 수치를 버프할 예정.

두벌째로, 렝가의 궁은 상대에게 예고없이 점프를 하게들어 상대방이 대처하기 어려웠던 점이 있었다. 별 정보없이 이걸 막는건 꽤나 힘든일이다. 이제 렝가가 궁을 쓰고, 렝가 궁의 시야안에 드는 모든 적 챔피언은 주변에 렝가가 있다는 신호를 받게 될것이다.(워윅 E처럼) 이로써 적은 렝가가 온다는 정보를 알게될테고 반응하기 쉬워질 것이다.

물론 렝가에게는 궁 버프가 줄것임. 지속시간과 이속증가가 늘어남. 이 변화로 렝가가 불특정한 상대를 향한 점프를 포기한다는 선택을 할시, 렝가는 냉정하게 상황을 판단할수 있으며 적을 농락하는 행위도 가능.(렝가 궁쓴다! 튀어!! 어? 안오네 ㅅㅂ)

아직은 당장 변화를 주지는 않았지만, 이것이 우리가 지향하는 렝가의 패치임.



출처:네이버까페 번역본



결론: 궁 씹너프 렝가 자체 스텟 상향



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발도장 찍기
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아이콘 2ndwing (2013-05-05 02:04:09 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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뮤링밖에할줄모름 (2013-05-05 11:39:47 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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아이콘 하루[돌직구킹] (2013-05-07 10:09:33 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
자체스텟은 나와바야 고인인지 알겟고 궁이 바보되서 렝가의 장점인 암살은 끝이네
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