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작성자 아이콘 프로토스집정관
작성일 2013-06-02 01:08:36 KST 조회 4,054
제라스 리메이크 의견 받는다네요
5 Hours Ago

Hey guys, 

It has been a week since I last posted here. There's a lot to cover and much to say. I've been spending most of the last week working on engineering level tasks to support Xerath with RiotSamemayhem, working with Davin on analyzing the results of the Xerath survey, working with the elusive and brilliant VFX artist who is crafting new visuals to support the work we're doing on Xerath and reviewing and revising our goals for Xerath with Statikk, 20th Century Faux and Gmang. 

I barely know where to start. So let's start with your feedback. 

It was a hard decision whether to talk publicly about the results of a survey like this. However, I felt confident that you guys are responsible, mature and capable of being level headed with the results. We reached out to 700 players to ask for their input on Xerath and what direction they would like us to take him. This doesn't mean we intend to design by committee; we're still going to do the high levels of concept and polish that you expect from Riot Games. 

Now it wasn't just 700 random players that we picked to survey. We picked 350 of the most hardcore Xerath players in all of league of legends. These are people who are hardcore Xerath fans, who play him in tons of games on a regular basis. Then we picked 350 players who have been very active with Xerath in the last month and have shown a preference for him. In a nutshell, these are 700 of the top 3000 people who play the majority of Xerath games in North America. 

We wanted to include other regions in this survey, but our outreach teams have been dedicated to restoring service to Korea and EUW. We know Korean players particularly like Xerath, so we will reach out to them once we're confident we're doing the best we can for them. If you didn't get on this survey and you feel you're a hardcore Xerath player, understand it *was* a random sampling within these extremely strict qualifications. 

So with that aside, what did you say? I know after reading this thread and reddit, I was a bit nervous. I thought I had a pretty good understanding of what most Xerath players would say.

So who are Xerath players?

Xerath players are mostly max level players over the age of 18. 
Xerath players play league at a normal rate.
Xerath players are more likely than average to watch tournaments. 
Xerath players are dramatically more likely to visit the forums, but not post, than to not visit the league forums at all. 

Those factoids aside, let's get to what you care about.

The most important part of the survey was understanding what players perceive Xerath as being. 

Overwhelmingly, Xerath players expressed their love for Xerath as a long-range mage sniper. You overwhelming expressed a desire to see Xerath become a powerful, long-range artillery champion. Players felt that he should be fragile, awesome and constantly unleashing arcane power. 

Almost no players expressed a desire to remove the immobilization from Locus of Power. In fact, more than 46% of Xerath players described it as the one of the extremely fun things about Xerath. That said, many players did express dissatisfaction with how Locus plays out. You guys generally agreed that Xerath has a rough time killing people without his ult, but most players indicated they felt they could still get kills without it.

When asked what we should do in a Xerath rework, most Xerath players expressed both significant interest in seeing him reworked and fear that they would not be as strong with him afterwards. 

Where it gets interesting is *where* players expressed interest in changes. An overwhelming majority of hardcore Xerath players would like to see Locus of Power become a more meaningful, tactical and skillful play choice. Similarly, they felt Xerath did not offer enough opportunities to exhibit skillful play. Likewise, Xerath players expressed a significant interest in spells that hit harder, on longer cooldowns over many spells which hit for less. 

Furthermore, the response to Xerath's new visuals was possibly the most unanimously positive response in the survey. Thought a few players did feel his new visual was a little too "glittery". 

So what did this mean?

Well, in response to this feedback we're making some changes to our plans in development for Xerath:

Because Xerath players have expressed significant interest in fewer spells, which hit harder, we've eliminated the CDR / Doublecast passive and replaced it with a new passive which grants significant amounts of % spell penetration, which scales with your maximum mana pool. 

Similarly, I have removed the 2nd ammo charge from Xerath's W (Arcane Barrage) and instead dramatically increased its damage and AP ratio. I moved the power off of his base W ability and instead dramatically increased the radius and damage of his AoE explosive attacks during his ultimate. 

Because of how overwhelmingly consistent the perception of Xerath was as a long-range mage, we've decided to push this factor to the extreme. Xerath now gains +600, +1000 and +2000 range to all of his spells during Locus of Power. (Numbers subject to change before launch). However, this power comes at a price - Locus of Power drains mana per second while active and has an ultimate level cooldown, but in an unusual act of buffery, Morello insisted that we make all spells cast during Locus of Power completely free. This means that your time in Locus of Power is all about deciding which attack will provide the most value to your team, not which spell will force you out of mana fastest. 

Due to the overwhelmingly positive response to the new Xerath VFX, we've started the engines and all of Xerath's spells will be getting replaced with new, updated visuals. We've even toned back the "glitter" a few players commented on in the feedback and made sure to make Xerath's visuals more powerful and brutal.

As you can imagine, all of this feedback has taken a lot of time and energy to process, but we're going to do our best to deliver on the long-range, sniper artillery mage that so many hardcore players insisted we pursue. Now, naturally there were some players who were concerned about a rework, some players who loved him exactly as he is now. However, the majority of players who were concerned, expressed concerns about his power level. 

Now, I won't promise everything we do will be exactly what you want. I can't do that. However, what I will promise is that I'll do everything in my power to bring together a cohesive theme that turns Xerath into a powerful contender in the league of legends. 

As a special treat, here's a first pass on Xerath's new Q artwork:


(Yes, there's a second shockwave on the ground. Still working on it.  )

요약: 패시브가 최대 마나량에 따라 마관 % 가 올라가는 걸로 바뀜

W쓰는 동안 사거리가 600/1000/2000 올라감. 힘의 근원이 활성화 하는 동안 지속적으로 마나가 소모되는 대신 사용하는

모든 주문은 마나 소모가 되지않으며 모든 주문의 피해량, AP 계수가 올라감


E가사거리 1000 짜리 얇은 선이 관통하는 건데 적중한 대상이 0.75-1.25 초간 스턴 걸림

사진은 새로운 Q 이펙트

번역은 인벤 참고


지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 (2013-06-02 01:11:15 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
라이즈도 제라스도 비전마법을 쓴다는 공통점이 있는걸로 아는데 이제 비전마법을 쓴다는 챔프가 나오면 다 마나계수를 가질 예정인가보다
아이콘 로이. (2013-06-02 01:11:28 KST)
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센스 이미지
q 떡진거같음 맘에안든다
아이콘 군단의분쇄 (2013-06-02 01:17:05 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
보아하니 w가 싱드 q처럼 켜놓고만 있어도 여눈이 여눈여눈쌓일거같다...

여눈스택노가다챔프 하나 추가삘이네...
아이콘 살려주쇼 (2013-06-02 01:23:26 KST)
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센스 이미지
이번걸로 3번째 토의인가?
아이콘 YuBis (2013-06-02 04:17:15 KST)
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센스 이미지
w켜고 e쓰면 사거리가 3천?
아이콘 카르크 (2013-06-02 07:58:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
그럼 이제 여눈+성배나
카탈+여눈빌드가 나올듯
아이콘 야생의추신돌이 (2013-06-02 08:40:08 KST)
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센스 이미지
시발들이 딩거리워크나 하고 하라고
Deathferado (2013-06-02 08:50:00 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
유행이란 미사여구에 쉴드가 쳐진 쓰레기 챔프의 대표

리메이크 시급
아이콘 Siva (2013-06-02 09:29:43 KST)
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센스 이미지
외형을 제라쮸로 바꾸자
팔보채 (2013-06-02 14:57:30 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
와 그럼 시즈모드하고 E날리면 사거리3천의 광역스턴?
아이콘 비형간염 (2013-06-02 16:07:26 KST)
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센스 이미지
와 사고싶어진다
아이콘 흥츳흥 (2013-06-02 19:43:12 KST)
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센스 이미지
폭풍함 처음 나올때 급으로 기분이 더럽네 사거리3000 ㅅㅂ
뮤링밖에할줄모름 (2013-06-03 09:11:17 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
라이즈 리워크 이후 씹잉여가 되버린 내 마나룬을 다시 쓸곳이 생긴건가
아이콘 건웅갓 (2013-06-03 14:52:48 KST)
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센스 이미지
타워끼고 공성전 하는 일이 많고 길목이 좁은 롤에서 미친사거리 가진애들이 데미지까지 괜찮으면 미친 OP가 되는데... 필드가 넓은 도타2에서나 사거리도 길고 데미지도 어느정도 있도록 설계할 수 잇으니 롤에서는 컨셉 확 갈아엎지 않은 이상 OP or 트롤임
아이콘 건웅갓 (2013-06-03 14:53:58 KST)
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센스 이미지
그 op가 바로 제이스이고 그 밑에 제드,케이틀린,이즈 정도
아이콘 쿠아곰[야수형] (2013-06-04 22:22:34 KST)
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센스 이미지
제라스 W(시즈모드) 스킬을 활성화/비활성화 하는데 약 2초정도 딜레이를 넣고, 최소사거리 300정도 개념을 집어넣는 대신, 스킬 사거리를 1000정도로 늘리는 것은 어떤가요?
적이 타워를 끼고 농성을 한다면 W쓴 다음 폭격을 팡팡팡 넣으면 되지만, 시즈모드 박았는데 적이 개돌해오면 힘도 못쓰게 하는거죠.
더불어 패시브는 스킬을 쓰지 않고 있는 시간에 따라서 스킬 데미지 증폭은 어떨까요?
닉네임: 암호:
롤토체스 TFT - 롤체지지 LoLCHESS.GG
소환사의 협곡부터 칼바람, 우르프까지 - 포로지지 PORO.GG
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