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작성자 아이콘 프로토스집정관
작성일 2013-07-02 16:24:30 KST 조회 3,299
영혼소환사 우디르가 특별한 데스 모션이 없는이유
DudeBroRiot DudeBro??VFX Artist
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1 of 4 Riot Posts
20 Hours Ago

Hey folks,
We skipped a custom Udyr death (vfx and sound wise). The reason is he had 4 sets of emotes, 4 recalls, 4 minion deaths, 4 jungle creep deaths, 4 champ deaths.( on top of the other stuff involved with him). We wanted to focus on those as there was of backend tech and content creation involved as well as all the QA that needed to happen. Overall, it was me that didn't do anything for it( I was underwater in work as it is with this skin). 
We'll take this data so we can use it to for the next Ultimate skin. 

Riot DudeBro: 우디르의 특별한 죽음 애니메이션은 생략했습니다. 왜냐면 4개의 감정표현이 있고, 4개의 미니언 죽이는 모션이 있고, 4개의 귀환모션이 있고, 4개의 챔피언을 죽이는 모습이 있으니까요 (또 태세변경 모션까지). 저희는 이런것에 집중하고 싶었으며 기술적으로도 발휘하지 못한것들도 많았거든요. 전체적으로 제 잘못이긴 합니다.

Riot DudeBroRiot DudeBro??VFX Artist
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2 of 4 Riot Posts
20 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by LockGood View Post

You are lazy and don't care about quality as long as people will pay for it. k.
Not true...I worked over the Christmas break, missed a number of Riot events, worked every weekend for 2 months(at least) and worked two days straight to get Spirit Udyr done.

유저: 1줄요약 - 귀찮아서 안했음

Riot DudeBro: 전혀 아닌데요... 이 스킨 작업때문에 전 크리스마스 휴가도 날렸고, 라이엇이 개최한 이벤트 몇개도 참석 못했고, 매 주말마다 빡세게 일했고 PBE에 공개되기 직전엔 이틀의 밤낮을 꼬박새서 일했어요.

RiotMindbulletsRiotMindbullets??Associate Development Manager
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3 of 4 Riot Posts
19 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by Twitchious View Post
Why does it not get a fancy death like PFE? He just slumps over and dies, it is worse then some default champion deaths. 

-Jarvan slowly drops down to one knee "I must not fail" before finally giving out and slumping onto the ground and Jarvan is over two years old.
-Tryndamere falls over and gets impaled by his own sword.
-Xerath explodes and his coffin falls to the ground.
-Brand turns to ash and slowly fades.
-Rumble gets blasted off his mech and yells before falling to the ground.
-Twisted Fate falls over and his hat falls off.

I could list these all day, but you get the point.
Just to jump in here and add some more visibility:

This is something we talked about. We decided that we wanted to focus our efforts on making the stances and custom kills as rewarding as possible. We wanted to encourage players to be rewarded when they do something awesome, and encourage them to do those things.

We didn't want to encourage players to have to die in order to fully experience the scope of the features in game. After play tests and talks we felt it was much more rewarding to see cool features you trigger by killing things, using emotes, etc. It felt not as cool to make the features of Udyr dependent on something negative or that other players controlled like getting killed.

There are times when it fits the theme so much that we are just like "well yeah, that makes sense, we absolutely should do this" (Phoenix Quinn is a great example) but this one didn't stand out as an especially cool place to do so. It is more of a gut feeling on a skin by skin basis, including discussion as a team.

Not saying this is right or wrong, but just want to be able to answer the question of why.

기니까 요약

유저: 다른 챔피언들은 꼭 스킨이 아니라도 괜찮은 죽는 애니메이션이 있는데요

RIotMindBullets: 지나가다가 한번 들름
우디르에게 5가지 죽음 애니메이션을 넣어주면 초월급 스킨의 모든것을 체험해본답시고 5데스 피딩하고 시작할 유저분들때문에 안됌

RiotMindbulletsRiotMindbullets??Associate Development Manager
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4 of 4 Riot Posts
19 Hours Ago

Originally Posted by Teracide View Post
Well I can guarantee you that I'm gonna die a lot more than I'm going to kill a Phoenix Quinn. No one is going to purposely die. But if someone trying not to die could always end a game with 0 deaths, there would be something wrong with the game anyway. 

Point is, you're gonna die. Even if you're amazing, at least a time or two per game. How often do you think I'll be running into Phoenix Quinn, or Volibear? I can say, without a doubt, a LOT less than I'll be dying.

I'm not saying you won't ever die, I'm saying we didn't want to encourage dying.

From my personal standpoint when I die, and it is a lot, I immediately go to the shop or start checking the minimap. I'd rather have something cool happen when I kill someone than when I die. I don't want to make myself a more desirable target by the enemy seeing something sweet when I die.


유저: 그래도 죽긴 죽잖아요

RiotMindBullets: 그건 아는데 피딩을 권유하고 싶진 않았다니까요


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