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작성자 심해는역시뽀삐
작성일 2014-01-19 14:57:05 KST 조회 3,244
[pbe] 팀빌더 예고
파일포켓 이미지

Thanks to the valuable feedback testers provided this past Monday and Tuesday, the Player Behavior team is scheduling another Team Builder test window for this week:
On Monday, January 20 and Tuesday, January 21, Team Builder will be available from 1 - 5 PM PST.

For this week's test, the team is looking to collect further data on the present build. Make sure to check the PBE Community for updates, such as Lyte's current Team Builder thread. Some of the features in this iteration:
Skin Selection now works (but skin preferences won’t be saved from game-to-game)
Team Builder games will now be available for Spectator Mode
Limited Match Found Ceremony (you’ll hear a gong!)

** pbe에서 예고했던 팀빌더에 대한 테스트가 있다합니다.

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아이콘 WG완비탄 (2014-01-20 00:41:05 KST)
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