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작성일 | 2014-12-17 13:09:05 KST | 조회 | 5,066 |
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12월 19일, 래더 지도 롤백 및 다음 시즌 지도 프리뷰
- 북미 시각 기준 12월 19일(금)에 현재 래더 지도 목록을 시즌3 지도 목록으로 롤백할 예정.
- 2015 시즌1 래더용 새로운 1대1 지도 4개가 사용자 지정 게임 목록에 배포될 예정임.
Season 4 Ladder Plans - December 16
On Friday, December 19, we'll be making some changes to the Season 4 map pool and also offer a preview on the new 1v1 maps for the upcoming season. The details on the changes are as follows:
We previously mentioned our intention to update the Season 4 map pool earlier than the season end date due to community feedback. We’ve been testing the new 2015 Season 1 maps with the hope that this early update would include next season’s new maps. Unfortunately, we’ve run into issues with our testing and the maps won’t be available to add to the ladder prior to the season start. There are various concerns not only with performance, but also potential map bugs that could cause issues in gameplay. This obviously isn’t an experience we want for everyone to have on ladder, and we plan to continue our work on these maps to have them ready in time for the start of next season.
While we couldn’t get the maps to a state where we felt they were ladder-ready, we still wanted to allow players to experience the maps early and offer feedback before they’re finalized. For this reason, we’ll be uploading the unfinished maps to the Custom Games list when we update the ladder map pool. While the maps may still have issues that could prevent a smooth experience in all games, we expect that some players will still enjoy playing on the maps to get early preparation for the 2015 Season 1. Just please keep in mind that they’re still a work in-progress.
On the ladder side of things, we still wanted to offer a more competitive experience for the remainder of the season. We know there are a lot of players that have enjoyed the current season, and we’re glad they’ve been able to experience something different these past few weeks. We’ll speak more about our thoughts on the entire season in the coming days.
While we know that some will be disappointed that we couldn’t get the new maps on ladder early, we’re hoping the steps taken here will provide a good competitive environment for the current season and offer a chance for preparation towards the next season.
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