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작성일 | 2015-01-13 10:49:34 KST | 조회 | 4,191 |
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2015 래더 시즌1 - 신규 팀플 지도 안내
1대1 신규 지도 정보는 아래 링크를 참고하세요:
2대2 신규 지도
Desert Refuge
Hills of Peshkov
This 3v3 map aims to be quite unique, with one player starting in a completely seperate area from the other two players on the team. With this difference in mind, we expect that teams will have to strategize well after seeing which race spawns where in order to maximize their chances of winning.
The Aftermath
The Aftermath is a map that develops along with the game. There is a close attack-path and High-Yield expansions that are blocked off by rocks. The center path is also watched over by the Xel’Naga Towers. These elements make for easy expansions when combined with how close everyone on a team spawns. We generally expect to see more macro games on this map, but it will also be possible to quickly break down the rocks and go for an aggressive mid-game strategy as well, because, by the nature of this map, it will also be difficult to scout in the early mid-game without air units.
4대4 신규 지도
Blackfrost Extraction
The main rush distance on this map is really close, but your whole team starts the game together. This, in combination with the fact that there are 2 other routes into the main bases of the opposing team, means that we expect games on Blackfrost Extraction to quickly escalate to combat.
Scoria Reactor
Scoria Reactor is another fortress-style map with a twist. Half of your team will spawn much closer to the opponents than the other half. Also, two of the natural expansions are High-Yield. In the early stages of the game, this means you'll want to collaborate with your closest teammate, as well as coordinate which team members will claim the High-Yield expansions. We expect Scoria Reactor to be a map that truly rewards effective teamwork.
원문: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/17253853/new-ladder-maps-for-2015-season-1-1-12-2015
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