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작성자 아이콘 Nios
작성일 2015-04-07 18:19:58 KST 조회 9,308
블리자드 "밸런스 패치 일정은 아직 미정. 추후 발표"

블리자드 관계자는 아직 밸런스 패치 날짜가 결정되지 않았다면서 잘못된 정보를 전달하여 죄송하다고 사과했습니다.

정확한 패치 일정은 추후 다시 알려주겠다고 합니다.


파일포켓 이미지

아울러, 곧 적용될 밸런스 패치는 사용자 지정 게임에서 확장 모드를 통해 미리 플레이해 볼 수 있습니다.


It was shared on here that I had mentioned the date as being Tuesday on Twitter, which was an error on my part. I got my details mixed up and reported the wrong information. No specific date was set yet. Apologies for that.

However, we'd still like to make sure that everyone is adequately prepared for when the balance update does go live. With the upcoming map pool available in the Custom Games list and the balance test map also available, players can practice under the same conditions that will be present for Season 2. So please take some time to check out the upcoming changes!​ 




With the fantastic WCS Season 1 Finals now complete, we look towards a new season with new balance and new maps. 


For those that may be unaware, we released a balance test map a few months ago that contain some major changes to the Swarm Host and Raven. This is to help address some extreme defensive strategies that have become popular at certain levels of play. Since that time, we’ve continued to update the map with additional changes in order to prepare for an eventual update to Heart of the Swarm. 


While we’re currently targeting to release these changes to the live game later this week, the exact date has not been set. However, in preparation for these changes, we’d like to encourage anyone who is practicing for the upcoming ladder season or WCS Qualifiers to practice on the balance test map. It should help provide a smoother transition as we move towards this important update.


We’ll make sure to provide more information when the update is near release. 



지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

베플 seravee (2015-04-07 20:04:00 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
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아이콘 페르카드 (2015-04-07 19:13:12 KST)
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캐슬링 (2015-04-07 19:39:35 KST)
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고인규 뻘쭘하겠네
seravee (2015-04-07 20:04:00 KST) -
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하지마라 제발 군숙 없이 메카닉 진짜 못이김. 아니면 지상업 공중업을 다시 나누던가
아이콘 캬비어 (2015-04-07 20:12:14 KST)
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋ...차라리 취소한다고 하지나..ㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 비바람부는날 (2015-04-07 20:42:58 KST)
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아이콘 저그의로망 (2015-04-08 09:41:54 KST)
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With피닉스킹 (2015-04-08 21:18:13 KST)
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차라리 안하는게 나은거 같은대...
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