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작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2010-01-08 14:17:59 KST 조회 2,558
10인 썩은얼굴 체력 15% 너프

- 돌연변이 전염병이 10인 난이도에서 25인 난이도와 동일한 타이머로 사용됨.

- 또한, 10인 난이도에서 썩은얼굴의 체력을 15% 감소시킴.

   (출처: - Rotface 10-man Health Reduced by 15%)

- 25인은 변경 없음


The changes made to Rotface were an effort to fix a bug that fell through the cracks in development and testing. The previous iteration of Rotface in 10 player difficulty used (and still uses) the same timer as the 25 player difficulty version when dispersing its Mutated Infection ability.


What this means, plainly, is that a disproportionate number of people were being put out of the fight near the 30% mark in 10 player (by a large percentage) versus 25 player, making the entire fight much more difficult than intended.


Obviously if you severely outgeared the fight, none of this mattered to you. The HP change will have no effect on your 10 player clears. You will, in fact, still kill Rotface.


The 25 player version of Rotface remains unchanged.



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아이콘 Toxicity (2010-01-08 14:27:54 KST)
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힐하는석상 (2010-01-08 14:36:22 KST)
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벌써 너ㅋ프ㅋ
아이콘 Drake (2010-01-09 10:31:33 KST)
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첫날 15퍼 보고 못잡고 쫑난 팟은 망 ㅋ
태닌호킹 (2010-01-09 18:22:25 KST)
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