StarCraft II in Italian and Polish!
We are happy to announce that we have added a new language to our StarCraft II site. Italian speakers can now check out the latest news about StarCraft II in their own language. We have also added a landing page for our Polish community which will be expanded upon in the near future. In addition to translating the site into these two languages, we will also be releasing StarCraft II itself in Italian and Polish! Take a moment to check out the new StarCraft II sites and the new forums for Italian, Polish, and Russian speakers!
스타크래프트2 사이트에서 지원하는 언어에 이탈리아 어와 폴란드 어가 추가되었고,
스타크래프트2가 이 두 언어로도 출시될 것이라는, 우리랑 그닥 상관 없는 뉴스입니다.