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작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2010-02-26 10:08:46 KST 조회 2,880
스타2 한국 서버 긴급 점검 및 패치

파일포켓 이미지

방금 아는 분께 제보 받은 내용입니다.

위와 같은 안내 메시지가 나오고 있고 작은 패치가 진행되었다고 합니다.

아무래도 15세 이용가 표시를 위한 긴급 패치 같습니다.

아울러 런처 기능이 추가되었다고 합니다.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

ㅂㄱㅂㄷㅈ (2010-02-26 10:09:15 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
지금 패치끝났는데 패치노트 해석점
아이콘 킴대기 (2010-02-26 10:10:44 KST)
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센스 이미지
StarCraft II Beta - Patch 1 (version


The armor value for this unit in Fighter Mode has decreased from 1 to 0.
The damage done by this unit in Fighter Mode has changed from 6 (+8 armored) to 10 (+4 armored).
The damage done from D-8 Charges has decreased from 40 to 30.
The delay between attacks for D-8 Charges has decreased from 2.5 to 1.8.
Orbital Command
The build time for this upgrade has decreased from 50 to 35.
Gravitic Boosters: The cost of this research has decreased from 150 minerals and 150 vespene gas to 100 minerals and 100 vespene gas.
High Templar
Phase Shift: This ability has been removed from the game.
New ability: Feedback - Drains all energy from the target unit and causes damage equal to the amount of energy drained.
The building pathing radius for this unit has decreased from .75 to .5625.
Vortex: The energy cost of this ability has increased from 75 to 100.
Vortex: The target radius of this ability has decreased from 3.0 to 2.5.
Temporal Rift: This ability has been removed from the game.
Wormhole Transit: This ability has been removed from the game.
New ability: Mass Recall - Teleports all of the player's units in the target area to the Mothership.
Chrono Boost can no longer target allies.
The build time of this building has increased from 50 to 65.
Fungal Growth: The damage done by this ability has decreased from 48 to 36.
Fungal Growth: This ability now prevents affected units from burrowing.
Neural Parasite: Functionality changed - The Infestor now channels this spell, which lasts 10 seconds or until the Infestor is destroyed. You can now target all units with this ability.
Terran Infestation: The ability’s energy cost has reduced from 50 to 25 and Infested Terrans now spawn 1 at a time.


Addressed an issue causing people to receive an “Internal Error” message with their game client.
Muting your microphone will no longer cause your microphone to be turned off in the operating system once the program has exited.
Please note that the voice chat functionality has only partially been implemented. There are many known issues with voice chat that we expect to address in a future patch.
The “Medium” graphical settings were reconfigured to work better on appropriate machines. The video settings “auto-detect” functionality has been reset as a result.
Added a frame rate limiter to the game menus to prevent some graphics cards from running at higher frame rates than necessary.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 dr.evil (2010-02-26 11:21:52 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
사신 건물 한방 데미지는 좀 준대신 dps는 오히려 살짝 늘었군요 ㄷㄷ
고위기사는 사람들이 잘 안쓰니 다크아칸의 피드백을 줘벼리고 ㄷㄷ
아이콘 salrahdin (2010-02-26 12:14:27 KST)
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센스 이미지
흠.. 다시 피드백이 나오는구나..
(2010-02-26 13:58:18 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이거보다 워크를먼저 살려줄것이지 ㅠㅠ
노스.슬 (2010-02-26 17:36:43 KST)
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센스 이미지
설마 15살 이하중에 부모님껄로 가입해서 베타 받은애는 없겟지
gxexe (2010-02-26 18:03:16 KST) -
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아 모선 웜홀 사라지다니 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
아이콘 Nios (2010-02-26 18:51:40 KST)
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센스 이미지
퇴근하고 나서 추가 코멘트 하는 내용입니다.
이미 밸런스 패치 공지를 올렸지만, 밸패를 위한 점검이엇고, 패치였네요.
패치 런처는 초기 버전부터 들어있었네요. =)
댓글을 등록하려면 로그인 하셔야 합니다. 로그인 하시려면 [여기]를 클릭하십시오.
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