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작성자 아이콘Nios
작성일 2010-04-08 00:27:11 KST 조회 4,520
블리자드 달력 월별 팬 아트 및 당선작 발표



파일포켓 이미지

"Hallow's Eve"
Sumeet Lall - Leicester, United Kingdom


"The Headless (Sore Loser) Horseman has lost another pumpkin carving contest and, with the help of some funky graveyard magic, is raising minions to carry out his revenge..."







파일포켓 이미지


"Valentine's Day"
Rochas Tristan - Drain, France






파일포켓 이미지

"Lunar Festival"
Kelly Aarons - Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada


"My two comic characters, Cadistra and Kissless, getting an 'Omen-ious' feeling during the Lunar Festival."






파일포켓 이미지


"Pirate's Day"
Alice Columbia - Brooklyn, NY


"Duke Falrevere of the Bloodsail Buccaneers and Dread Captain DeMeza's crew join forces to make every day in Booty Bay Pirate's Day."






파일포켓 이미지


"Midsummer Fire Festival"
Rob Carlos - Auburn, WA


"Horde characters dancing during the Fire Festival"






파일포켓 이미지


"Midsummer Fire Festival"
Christina Marie Yen - Rancho Palos Verdes, California


"Ragnaros exalts the festivities with a barbequed Gigantic Feast! Battle rouge elemental spirits blazon in a energizing dance upon his sizzling grill. Toasting Fresh Smorc's upon Ragnaros fire are welcome, but keep safe distance to reduce chance of taking burn damage. Ahune tries to steal the spotlight to this occasion! He commemorates by bringing his grand Ice Chest full of alluring frosty loots, which are generously Ice Stone cold. Frozen drinks of the Lord of Frost's Private Label are available until limited time, or until the Ice Stone has melted. Flame and Frost decorate the atmosphere as visitors enjoy the various festivities on the beach, from fire walking, torch throwing, blazing pole break-dancing, to huge snowball tossing, fiery horseshoe tossing, and flaming kite flying! Festive clothing, foods, toys, and Scorched stones are available for purchase with Burning Blossoms as well. "






파일포켓 이미지

Dubuis Marianne - Ixelles, Belgium


Dwarfs don't like bath? Of course they like it!






파일포켓 이미지

"Hallow's Eve"
Samuel Deats - Austin, TX






파일포켓 이미지


"Hallow's End"
moolcup - South Korea






파일포켓 이미지


"The Day of the Dead"
Francisco Javier Mendez Escobar - Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico






파일포켓 이미지


"Lady in the lake"
Wang, Tsai-Pin






파일포켓 이미지


Chiu, Fan-Yun





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보아펜 (2010-04-08 00:29:52 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
개인적으로..우수작 좋군요..^^;..
광맥 (2010-04-08 00:35:18 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
물컵님 저그림 꽤 오래전에 본것 같은데.. 암튼 축하드립니다
아이콘 파괴의노래 (2010-04-08 01:18:20 KST)
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센스 이미지
아이콘 [라이딩]공속이 (2010-04-08 20:24:01 KST)
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센스 이미지
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