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작성자 아이콘 Nios
작성일 2010-07-27 14:27:51 KST 조회 3,654
북미 서버 오픈 등 전 세계 스타2 런칭 완료

방금 북미 서버가 정식 서비스에 들어갔다는 소식이 전해졌습니다. 예정보다 12시간 빠른 시점입니다.

이로써 전 세계의 모든 게임 팬들이 스타크래프트2를 즐길 수 있게 되었습니다.

블리자드는 시차 등을 고려하여 한국/대만 -> 유럽 -> 북미 순으로 서버를 오픈하겠다고 밝힌 바 있습니다.




Welcome to StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
by Blizzard Entertainment

The struggle for justice in a tumultuous corner of the universe known as the Koprulu sector continues. You will once again find yourself at the center of the clash between the protoss, terrans, and zerg, with each side deploying legions of veteran, upgraded, and new unit types. Direct the exploits of marshal-turned-rebel leader Jim Raynor, meeting both familiar faces and new heroes along the way. Tailor your experience to suit your playing style by choosing your own mission path and selecting technology and research upgrades throughout the 29-mission campaign.


Also at your disposal are several challenge missions, with focused goals designed to ease newer players into learning multiplayer strategies. A new version of brings unparalleled online play to StarCraft II, featuring several enhancements and new features, including voice communication, cloud file storage, leagues and ladders, achievements, unlockable rewards, stat-tracking, custom mod support, and much more.


You can find the latest official news and community blogs, interact with fellow gamers on the forums, and review our in-depth game guide on the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty community site.


Go forth and achieve victory!



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아이콘 SC2-Forever (2010-07-27 15:07:41 KST)
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