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작성자 아이콘 그게모양
작성일 2012-11-08 16:09:19 KST 조회 177
엑스컴 확률은 사실 사기였다...

일반 이하 난이도에선 플레이어에게 유리하게 사기쳐줌.

On easy AND you are down to 3 or fewer soldiers:
Chance to hit is 120% of displayed value
Chance to hit is further increased by 15% (absolute) per missing squad member, under 4 (if you only brought 1 soldier, he has +45% chance to hit)
For hits that have at least a 50% chance of hitting,you receive another 15% (absolute) chance to hit per consecutive miss (up to 30%)
Alien chance to hit is reduced by 10% (absolute) for each consecutive hit.
Alien chance to hit is reduced by 25% (absolute) for each squad member missing under 4

On normal with 4 or fewer soldiers, or easy with precisely 4:
Chance to hit is 120% of displayed value
For hits that have at least a 50% chance of hitting, chance to hit is increased by 15% (absolute) per consecutive miss, with no upper limit
Alien chance to hit is reduced by 10% (absolute) for each consecutive hit.

진짜인가 궁금해서 실험해봄. 쉬움난이도로 게임시작하고 수류탄으로 세명 죽이고 하나로 그냥 막 나가서 공격 맞아봄.

한대도 안맞음ㅋ (섹토이드 기본 명중률 65 - 25*3 = -10)

그리고 45%사격 8번 한게 다 맞음... (45*1.2 + 15*3 = 105)

명중 95%가 최고라는건 진짜인지 아닌지 모르겠음.

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