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작성자 아이콘 WG완비탄
작성일 2013-04-06 22:34:53 KST 조회 160
일반적으로 생판 관심없는 사람이 포니에 빠지는 것보다

파일포켓 이미지


퍼리에 빠지기가 더 쉽다는건 해외에서도 인정하는 자명한 사실입니다 ^^


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발도장 찍기
김강건 (2013-04-06 22:35:37 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
페도퍼리에 대해서는 어떤 생각을 가지고 계십니까
아이콘 흑인경비원 (2013-04-06 22:37:08 KST)
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식품위생법위반 현행범
아이콘 WG완비탄 (2013-04-06 22:37:44 KST)
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그거는 Cub Porngraphy라고 해서 관련 처단법이 있을 정도로
이미 실질적으로 문제가 되고 있는 수준임
아이콘 그게모양 (2013-04-06 22:40:21 KST)
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Cub pornography and furry

Cub pornography remains an extremely controversial subject within the furry fandom with those on one side proclaiming it as an expression of freedom of drawing with no actual minors being involved, and those on the other saying its a disgusting fetish that can lead to said activities. Because of legal grey areas, as noted in the above section, cub porn, in recent years, is slowly being phased by a number of medias and other organizations, much to the chagrin of said artists and those who support them.

One example is on November 24, 2010 when popular furry art site, Fur Affinity banned cub porn from its website, after its payment processor site, AlertPay, cancelled its donations account.[1] Although the act was praised by those who resented cub pornography, this caused a major uproar within the cub community even after the sites owner, Dragoneer, had told everyone that he had no other choice; either it, or the site itself goes. So incensed was the cub community/supporters that Dragoneer even received death threats over the matter. The move also fuelled growth at Inkbunny, which had opened shortly before with a tag-blocking system allowing such material to co-exist with those not wishing to see it.


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아이콘 라그나로스쨩 (2013-04-06 22:41:20 KST)
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cub porn이라니 듣는 것만으로도 무시무시하군요
아이콘 흑인경비원 (2013-04-06 22:42:55 KST)
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