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작성자 아이콘 앤타로아이유
작성일 2014-04-09 18:15:08 KST 조회 261
영작 지적질좀
I think SNS doesn't function as its original purpose nowadays. I used Facebook, but now I don't. At first, it is useful to find friends who I couldn't meet long time and to keep touch with them. But as it became more commercialized, there are so many commercial advertisements that I wasn't able to find my friend's posts. And The posts to just arouse other's interest, not to interact with people, increased in number. That was mostly humor, which people see then just laugh. Proper quantity of humor and advertisements are not bad, but They are exceeded the line now. I hope Facebook recover its communicational function.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
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발도장 찍기
아이콘 적당새 (2014-04-09 19:13:49 KST)
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I see
아이콘 앤타로아이유 (2014-04-09 19:15:50 KST)
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ㄴ I see you
아이콘 너는누구인가 (2014-04-09 20:59:05 KST)
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공부해라 (2014-04-09 21:44:03 KST)
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I think => In my opinion

그냥 더 그럴싸해보이자나
공부해라 (2014-04-09 21:44:47 KST)
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At first, it is useful to find friends=>it was useful

이젠 안 쓰니까 페이스북을 쓰는 과거형
아이콘 아제라테스 (2014-04-09 22:49:00 KST)
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but as it became more commercialized, ... friend's posts.
-> but the more it became commercialized, the more ads pestered me to find my friends' posts.

and the posts ... ..increased in number
-> And the posts i could have seen tended to attract a large crowd instead of interacting friends. Moreover, so sad to say, they were increased day by day.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 아제라테스 (2014-04-09 22:59:49 KST)
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That was ... the line now.
-> some of them were humor, posts evoke sympathy for others. Adequate numbers of them could be useful for whom use facebook for interacting friends. but the deluge of them now seemed to disturb its own function and to upset lots of users.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 아제라테스 (2014-04-09 23:02:45 KST)
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막줄은 냅둬도 상관없을거 같은데 recover는 3인칭 단수 현재로 recovers가 좀 더 맞아보임. 부정사구에 해당할텐데 부정사구에서도 동사는 목적어의 수와 인칭에 따르지 않던가..
아이콘 앤타로아이유 (2014-04-09 23:14:23 KST)
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