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작성자 므너상
작성일 2014-04-19 10:51:21 KST 조회 548
버게도 바뀌고 구로쨩도 복구됐네..
In case you were wondering, we don't know what happened to the old GUROchan. The servers suddenly became unreachable in March of 2014. There has been no sign of the old admin, but we can assure you the rumors that he was arrested are, as far as we know, completely unfounded, even though he made it pretty obvious that he gave up on the site and ran away with his boyfriend to some remote place in order to sort out their differences without shocking anyone. We are a team of volunteers composed of a frustrated old staffer and new recruits. Just like you, we are ordinary people with lives.

Hopefully we'll be better off than before when we're all set. We are counting on you to contribute and make it happen. Thanks for your feedback and support!

If you want to help pay for the server and any complications that may come with it, feel free to donate to the Bitcoin address 1F8yUodVreUrh2L4oAkm7bgS3PqbKG8LFD.

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