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작성자 BrethrenMoons
작성일 2014-07-03 15:17:09 KST 조회 284

Sebehy er rut ta desheret
Crying out from the Red Land
Iw iyin s n kekw
Came a man of darkness
Em seshet’w djuu senefu
With evil bloody secrets

Rekh-en-ef pa nisut kem
He knew the Black Pharaoh
B’k n netjeri shesepu nen horef
Servant to the Faceless Sphinx God
Redi-en-ef medjat en mut
He gave me the book of the dead

Sefetju tehemy buyetyen
Slaughterer bringing nigh those who are detested

Heruyu her nu ‘reku
Tumult and time bent
I’tyu her muetem kh’sut nebut
Mutilation and death in every land
Neb senedju h.enemnemy er kheru
Unleashing fear, creeping downward

Wepwety en buyetyen
Messenger to those who are detested
Seb waten shut her niku
Prepare a way for the Void and the Evil Ones
Neru m per khenety n idenu
Terror in the harem of pestilences

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