FACT- Paedophiles are likely to re-offend...
FACT- The majority of paedophiles will abuse 45-135 victims each...
(These are frightening statistics)
FACT- At least 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually abused in Australia this year...
FACT- Boys and girls of all ages may be sexually abused...
FACT- In the majority of cases the offender is someone known to the child...
FACT- Paedophiles come from all walks of life and often hold positions of authority...
FACT- They will go to extreme lengths to groom and molest children(extreme premeditation)...
FACT- Child sexual abuse inflicts a life sentence on the victim...
FACT- Only 5% of paedophiles are mentally handicapped...
FACT- 1000's of paedophiles are living in Australian communities...
FACT- Be vigilant- It could be your child next...
FACT- 2/3 of sex-crimes in Australia are against our children...
FACT- Child sexual abuse cases are on the rise...Do we have the basis for an epidemic ?
"Paedophiles are very cunning and without conscience, they use threats, bribery, secrets, lies, flattery and other tricks to ensure the child victim does not tell anyone else about the abuse." - Extract Australian Paedophile/ Sex Offender Index).
이에 대해 아동 성범죄 피해자 협회의 피터 손더스 사무국장은 "지성인임을 자처하는 사람의 말이 논점을 완전히 벗어난 것이 놀랍다. 가볍거나 심각한 아동성애라는 것은 없다"고 지적했다.
투두ㅡ둗 ㅜ두ㅜ두둑투두두둑
뭔가 쓰고 싶은 말은 많지만 내가 진거같다