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작성자 냉장고가너무멀다
작성일 2014-11-18 18:43:17 KST 조회 153
I'm asking for mercy

Asking don't hunt me
Easy so please don't divine my mind tonight

Now let's take this from the start
Are we cold and are we killers?
Will you break my mind aparts?
Have you seen what pain deliver

If you start to fall apart
You won't build a life of pressure
And if you wonder what we are
We can build a life together

We can love and live forever
We can taste the feeling? come alive

And my interest is in love
And I cannot take this presure
And I wonder who of us abides

There's no conflict from above

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 파스타 (2014-11-18 18:46:26 KST)
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매스이펙트 할때 술집같은데 가면 이런음악 나왔는데
아이콘 파스타 (2014-11-18 18:46:46 KST)
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센스 이미지
이런걸 뭐라고하져 일렉?
냉장고가너무멀다 (2014-11-18 18:51:19 KST)
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