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작성자 Ten(9)
작성일 2014-11-23 23:21:09 KST 조회 252
아이리쉬 포크?

       :( Not to be a party pooper butt....... I don't think this sounds like Irish folk music. In this piece there is a major build up at around 1:30 - 1:33...... Yeah, sorry to break it to ya but Irish folk doesn't have that traditionally. Secondly, that solo around 2:25, there weren't any solos AT ALL in traditional Irish folk music. I can understand if this was a cover of the song by the instruments in the song, but otherwise, if this is to imitate traditional Irish folk it's doing a pretty inaccurate job. Then near the end of the song around 3:10 the tempo changed and it turned into a normal J-Pop rock beat. Then at the beginning there was the Banjo which in Irish folk there is never a banjo. Look, people who're reading this, you have your own opinions and I have mine. So uhh......yeah
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So what do you think we should tag the genre of this folk music then? Hybrid Irish folk? Or what do you suggest. I'll go with your recommendation then.
hmmmm..........idk :D Irish Folk is fine ^^ I'm just saying lol. My bad if I'm being rude xD I just believe that knowing the original is also important too y'know? I'd say this is New Irish Folk or Neo-Irish folk. Butt you don't have to change it, I'm just voicing an opinion :P Apologies if I offended ya.
The instruments which can be hear in this arrange are; accordion, banjo, acoustic guitar, violin, drums and it also sounds very scotish too so I was planning to upload it as hybrid folk however there isn't such a genre existing at all but it would be cool to come up with new kind of music genres. Anyways you are also right neo-irish sounds pretty good too. And don't worry I didn't offended at all. I am not good at identify music genres like this so getting other people's opinion is really educational.

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Ten(9) (2014-11-23 23:23:37 KST)
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