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작성자 아이콘 그게모양
작성일 2015-01-03 19:03:49 KST 조회 411
스팀에 덕겜이 늘어나네...

들어가보니 vndb에서 들어본적 있는거였음 First multilang moege release ever


301 products in account

4.1 hrs on record
Posted: 2 January
This has a great story, set in the future of japan after an apocalyptic event, where a virus mutated people and cats alike.
After the outbreak has been dealt with, the remaining humans had enslaved the feline people, and rebuilt society with them as the labor force.

R-18 patch shows the true nature of your character, and his slaves. I would recommend the patch, or else you are watching through rose tinted glasses, not seeing the full truth of this world.

It's a great metaphor for the catgirl illuminati and their true intentions.

It's up there right next to Deus-ex and metal gear solid 4's story line, I would recommend it to anyone.

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