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작성자 아이콘 흑인경비원
작성일 2016-07-02 22:20:28 KST 조회 569
누군가의 그녀들

I just found your HF profile and love the pixel art you've created.  The lamia with night elf in particular I like a lot.

I am curious if you are taking commissions.  I have a few ideas, one could be a series of images.  The idea being a group of female space explores crash land and are separated on a planet full of female-formed creatures.  And the creatures they encounter are futanari and seek to breed.  Besides the human explorers, they could encounter bee-girls, mermaids, catgirls, dragon-girls, lamia, harpies, succubus (bat), etc.

Another idea is Lulu from Final Fantasy X being used as a 'sacrifice' to a futanari Shiva.  




타인의 성적인 욕망을 꿰뚤어 볼 수 있는 권능


그 권능은 알고보니 그림을 그릴 줄 알면 저절로 따라오는 능력이였다 



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발도장 찍기
Oedon (2016-07-02 22:23:10 KST)
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센스 이미지
futanari가 너무 눈에 들어온다
아이콘 개념의극한 (2016-07-02 22:24:41 KST)
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센스 이미지
로코코 (2016-07-02 22:29:25 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
아이콘 어그로중독자 (2016-07-02 22:47:39 KST)
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