파수기 역장의 체력은 200임 =_=
하지만 선택불가 파괴불가 은폐불가(모선?) 무적
<CUnit id="ForceField">
<Race value="Prot"/>
<LifeStart value="200"/>
<LifeMax value="200"/>
<Radius value="1.5"/>
<InnerRadius value="0.5"/>
<SeparationRadius value="0"/>
<SubgroupPriority value="31"/>
<MinimapRadius value="0"/>
<EditorCategories value="ObjectType:Structure,ObjectFamily:Melee"/>
<FlagArray index="Turnable" value="0"/>
<FlagArray index="Uncommandable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="Unselectable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="Untargetable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="Uncloakable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="Unradarable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="KillCredit" value="0"/>
<FlagArray index="Invulnerable" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="Destructible" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="NoScore" value="1"/>
<FlagArray index="ForceCollisionCheck" value="1"/>
<PlaneArray index="Ground" value="1"/>
<DeathRevealRadius value="0"/>
<DeathRevealDuration value="0"/>
<Collide index="Ground" value="1"/>
<Collide index="Colossus" value="1"/>
<PlacementFootprint value="Footprint3x3ForceField"/>
<!-- Do not give this unit a footprint because that can allow units to walk into unpathable areas -->
유닛 공격정보는 못찾고 가격이나 체력, 방어타입등은 대충 찾았는데
고스트 가격이 100/200 공허포격기 가격이 200/150으로 나오네요(과거정보인가;;)
하지만 SCV 체력은 45이던....