We’d like to let all of our StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test participants know that the first phase of the beta test will be coming to an end in all regions on Monday, May 31. The beta test will be unavailable for several weeks while we make some hardware and software configuration changes in preparation for the final phase of the beta test and the release of the game. We plan to bring the beta test back online for a couple of weeks prior to the game’s launch to complete our testing. We’ll have more details to share about when this final beta-testing phase will begin at a later date.
베타테스터들아 1단계 베타테스트는 5월 31일 월요일에 종료한단다. 몇주동안 최종버전 준비를 위해 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 배치를 바꿀테야. 아마 출시 2주전에 최종테스트를 위해 마지막 베타테스트를 할거야. 열기전에 자세하게 알려줄께.
We’d like to thank all of our beta-test participants for your enthusiasm, dedication, and valuable feedback during the beta test, and we look forward to hearing more of your thoughts on the StarCraft II beta test as the game’s July 27 launch approaches.
너희들의 훼력과 관심과 끝없는 징징에 너무 ㄳㄳ. 앞으로 7월 27일 출시일까지 좀더 징징 대줬으면 좋겠어