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작성일 2010-12-19 17:44:28 KST 조회 255
워3에서 유명했던 ToD 스타2 하네요 ㅋㅋ

워3 은퇴하고 이제 게임 안한다더니 얼마전 까지 중국에서 포커치며 놀다 집에 가서 이제 스타2를 본격적으로 시작했군요.

점수도 3000점에서 왔다갔다 하던데 조만간 한국으로 올 수 있을 듯?


Idra vs ToD

토드 쟤도 옛날 4K 시절 팀동료 디스부터 래더에서 자신만의 카리스마를 보여줬는데

만약 한국 래더에서 만나면 정말 현피 뜰 것 같은 ㅋㅋㅋ

아래는 인터뷰 전문 (

그루비는 안넘어오나 You're currently playing on the European ladder, but you've been living in china according to the latest information. Where do you live right now?

Yoan 'ToD' Merlo: I returned to France a month ago. I really missed it. How did you spend your time in China? Rumors say you've been playing poker?

ToD: I was visiting a lot of friends and mostly focused on enjoying my long stay there. I did play some poker indeed. Did you earn enough playing poker to pay the rent or were you living off of your tournament winnings?

ToD: Yeah, I was using my tournament winnings. I did earn some money playing poker, but not enough to be able to substain myself. Unfortunately, I started playing not too long ago and experienced quite a few swings. I think it's hard for me to be good at it because I lack patience too much, and probably a bit of discipline too. Unlike most former Warcraft 3-Players you started playing Starcraft 2 on a more serious level rather late. What's the reason for your delayed entry into the StarCraft 2-community?

ToD: I never planned on becoming a Starcraft 2 Pro. I played very few games in the beta but I wasn't planning on even buying the game until most recently. A lot of real life friends that I've known for many years kept telling me to get it to play with them. So when I came back to France a month ago I finally bought it and started playing. You decided to pick Protoss in Starcraft 2, rather than Terran which seem to be the obvious choice for former Human users. What's your thought-process behind that decision?

ToD: I was a Terran-player in Starcraft: Broodwar, but I always liked Protoss. I thought it was a very artistic race. I was able to try Starcraft 2, when it was the first time you could test it a Blizzcon 2008. I was playing Terran back then. I remember when playing against Protoss, I thought it was really cool race, the units looked nice and cool and Warpgate seemed awesome. I guess at that time I unconciously decided that if I ever was to play Starcraft 2 I would become a Protoss-Player. You played on both the European and the Asian server. Did you experience a difference in skill-level or playstyle when you returned to France a month ago?

ToD: I didn't play many games on Asia and I didn't know the game nearly as much as now, but it felt really hard to win when I played there. There are a lot of Europeans playing Starcraft 2 seriously though, probably many more than for Warcraft. It will be interesting to see how it turns out. Indeed, Starcraft 2 is bigger in Europe than Warcraft 3 ever has been. It isn't officially released in China yet though. Do you think it will be a similar success, considering unlike Europe, Warcraft 3 is still pretty big over there?

ToD: That's a difficult question. I think Warcraft 3 is very popular there because so many university students play in the local pc-cafes which are usually not equipped too well. So I think it will be hard for Starcraft 2 to be played there due to the lack of good hardware. I don't know wether or not the Warcraft 3 community in China is tired of the game or not but i suppose they should be starting to get bored of the game they have played for so long. The game could get really big there, it depends on many things like accessibility. I think Chinese gamers did awesome in Warcraft 3 and it could happen again in Starcraft 2 if they are allowed to. Today you will be participating in the SK-Gaming Champions Trophy Tournament. Your first opponent will be NightEnd, whom you beat on ladder just recently. What kind of performance can we expect from you?

ToD: I don't know, I feel mirror is my worst matchup, déjà-vu, and it is very random. NightEnd is a very good player and one of my favorite Protoss-players, but that doesn't mean I won't try to take him out. In an Interview with almost a year ago, you told them you wouldn't want to play as a video-gamer fulltime again. Is that statement still true?

ToD: I'm still unsure. I didn't want be a progamer again but I can't lie to myself, I have been playing this game a whole lot since I bought it and I doubt that will change in the near future. So for the moment I'm just thinking. The thing is: I'm probably a bit old for this because I can't play a lot of games in a row like I used to, I need to a take a lot of breaks in between games. And it's not like when I started playing Warcraft 3 where all I wanted to do was to play non-stop. Now there are times I don't feel like playing and I stop practicing. So I think what would be the most suitable situation for me is something like semi-pro. Because I do watch a lot of replays and streams as well, I need to figure out if not being able to play as much as some of the top players out there is a handicap or not. Do you have plans to join a team, did you already get any offers?

ToD: I got many offers, but I didn't want to rush anything, as I said i'm not yet sure how much I'm ready and willing to play this game. I've been considering a few of them, I haven't made my choice yet though. Do you play on ladder exclusively or did you acquire some regular trainings-partners?

ToD: I really like the automatic match making system. So that's where I'm mostly playing right now. I did play a few custom games with friends but not too many. Right now I just want to gain some decent level and the best way to do that is to play ladder. Later if I want to work on a specific matchup or strategy I might play custom games. Other French players seem to be do pretty solid in Starcraft 2. Did you talk to players like Adel.Scott or SarenS yet? Do you think they have the potential to possibly achieve a career similar to yours?

ToD: Yeah, there is a lot of good French players. That's a really good thing because we have a big community in France. Many people enjoy playing the game and watching it. I do talk with Adel.Scott almost every day, we talk strategies and share replays, he has been helping me with my game and I respect him a lot, he's extremely mannered and talented for this game. I didnt get acquainted with Sarens just yet, but I heard really good things about him, he seems to be a mannered guy. I'm looking forward to meeting him. Hey're the best French players right now, but there is many more who are fairly good. I think anyone that gives himself a shot and practices seriously can make it. Would you say that professional players these days are less charismatic than in 2007, at the height of your career?

ToD: Not at all, it is the beginning of the game and there hasn't been that many offline tournaments. I think after some time players will really begin to reveal themselves in the interviews and their gameplay as well. Your friend and former co-caster Kevin 'Rotterdam' van der Koi has moved to Cologne, Germany, to work as fulltime caster for ESL TV. You have been casting a little bit in China for Warcraft 3 yourself. A career as caster, rather than professional gamer, is that an option for you?

ToD: I like to cast games from time to time but I think casting full time would be too much for me. I do enjoy it though, you never know I guess.. but right now I have no plan to become a fulltime caster. Thanks for the interview.

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