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작성자 아이콘 lovsleep
작성일 2011-05-24 16:51:20 KST 조회 256
헤헤 승강오류 빨리고쳐라 (팀게펌)

Due to an issue with the Grandmaster league we’ve temporarily locked league reassignments. This means that all ranked games are correctly awarding (and subtracting) points, all changes to player’s internal matchmaking rating continue to be made, but the ability to be promoted/demoted to a different league is temporarily on-hold. When this lock is released, the next win will process the correct standing and any league reassignments will be carried out as they would have.

We currently have a hotfix for the Grandmaster issu1e in testing, and expect it to be implemented very soon. Once the fix is in and verified the lock will be removed and league standings will continue as normal. We’ll make another announcement at that time.

It’s important to note, again, that your games played now continue to count toward your standing and a possible league reassignment.

한줄해석: ell 점수와 랭킹은 문제없이 조절되고 있지만 그랜마 승급에 문제가 생겨서 모든 리그 승강을 막아놓았음 존나 열심히 고치고 있으며 아주 빨리(very soon) 해결될 것임. 해결 후에 1승만 하면 현재 자신에 맞는 리그에 재배치 될것임.



헤헤 ell이 안되서 승급못한다 하시던 분들도 있었엇는데

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아이콘 순수감성인 (2011-05-24 16:52:34 KST)
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