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작성자 아이콘 MildCocoA
작성일 2011-05-28 18:19:57 KST 조회 376
해외에서는 FXO팀이 GSTL참가를 한다고 하는데

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
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발도장 찍기
아이콘 감염충은쓔레기야 (2011-05-28 18:20:10 KST)
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넹 그렇대요 XD

아이콘 TearLess (2011-05-28 18:20:28 KST)
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아이콘 MildCocoA (2011-05-28 18:20:30 KST)
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ㄴ 그렇군요^_^ 다른 외국팀 소식도 혹시 있나요??
아이콘 TearLess (2011-05-28 18:20:53 KST)
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단 문글레이드는 안나올거같네여
아이콘 감염충은쓔레기야 (2011-05-28 18:22:00 KST)
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선수리스트에 잇는데 왜 안나옴??ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
아이콘 TearLess (2011-05-28 18:23:23 KST)
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To clarify, mOOnGLaDe is currently going through some personal problems. He is on call per se, for this event, should he resolve his issues. We wish him the best in solving them and hope that he gets where he wants to go. At the same time, we can almost confirm a new player to our roster to add to the GSTL team. This I won’t announce until its 100% solid. This will put wolf as a substitute should any further issues arise.
FXOunstable will be attending as team manager, as well as myself, FXOBoSs for the first 2 weeks of the journey. We will be documenting it via video and text, and keeping the community well inform on exactly how the Korean environment is, as it is portrayed a little bit incorrectly online from my point of view.

[영타 → 한타 자동 변환]
아이콘 MildCocoA (2011-05-28 18:24:38 KST)
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ㄴ 정보 감사합니다. :)
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