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작성자 아이콘 네피티르
작성일 2011-07-26 10:49:11 KST 조회 167
자체적으로 요약해놨었네 ㅡ.ㅡ;;

1) PuMa has signed with EG, but it didn't occur until very recently - days after the news was originally posted.

2) EG approached PuMa first, and has never claimed otherwise, despite what has been said in the press.

3) Both EG and PuMa agreed that the best approach (communication-wise) was for PuMa to speak with Mr. Lee as a *first step*, and then afterwards EG could become involved with Mr. Lee directly.

4) PuMa was not contracted by TSL, and did not receive a salary.

5) PuMa spoke with Mr. Lee about EG, and their conversation was amicable.

6) To PuMa's surprise and confusion, Mr. Lee made his public comments very shortly thereafter. This happened before PuMa had even had a chance to update EG on his talk with Mr. Lee.

7) EG has already sent a letter to Mr. Lee, apologizing to him for any personal disrespect that this situation has caused him. EG is also publicly apologizing to him for the same reason.

8) EG feels that TSL's public reaction to this situation was knee-jerk and unfair. The fact that PuMa spoke with Mr. Lee as the *first* step in this process does not mean that EG disregarded or ignored TSL. EG and PuMa both agreed that PuMa speaking with Mr. Lee would be the best *first step* for the process. EG expected that the next step in the process would involve speaking with Mr. Lee, but EG did not have a chance to do so, due to the fact that Mr. Lee went to the press so quickly after speaking with PuMa.

9) EG has been speaking with Korean team managers about the situation, and will continue to do so.

10) PuMa is very happy to be on the team, and asks that the community be supportive of both him and EG.


아놔... 전문 다 읽고 나니까 맨밑에 자체 요약...





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