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작성자 아이콘 CoNeL.LC
작성일 2011-09-09 13:55:07 KST 조회 180
번역기 돌렸는데 틀린 부분있나요?

Hello? Starcraft 2 in South Korea is enjoying the people.

Other reasons, the balance is not what you're saying about the problem is long.

Korea Starcraft 2 Community PlayXP up to last day in DK's accusations Posts Balance designers to this day ssikolraohgon hundreds or thousands to hundreds of thousands of comments criticized.

Terran patches focus on the issues discussed is the most serious.

The data appears to be an objective look up the top 100 in South Korea more than 60 percent rate Congress Terran GSL is Terran, 32 river nearly 20 people.


DK is good in this situation in Korea, the Terran a lot of trust that is a bullshit.

In addition, lots of balance to the designer gyeolgukda inappropriate remarks being ridiculous situation.

When this is not an issue given the right circumstances.
You hire a designer that balance to be incompetent as Blizzard has a lot of stories coming out.

Blizzard Starcraft 2, I really think the balance of the open debate if the balance in Korea subsequent to view large-scale tests should be run.

Many in South Korea and the balance designers have many professional gamers.

No longer paper will be omitted.
This is to say from the very idea, but Blizzard is trying to follow depends on.



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아이콘 수지분신 (2011-09-09 13:56:16 KST)
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아이콘 NLostPsiki (2011-09-09 13:56:28 KST)
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