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작성자 ongbak90
작성일 2013-01-24 14:28:24 KST 조회 125
북미판 계정 결제하신 분, 부탁좀 드릴 게요.

안녕하세요. 자날+군심 합본으로 스2를 즐기고 있는 사람인데요.

제가 건의사항을 쓰고 싶은데, 한국 포럼에 쓰면, 한국 지사 운영진들은 잘 안 보는 것 같습니다.

'블리자드 코리아'의 운영진들은 답글을 잘 안 달아주죠.

하지만 북미포럼에서는 운영자들이 답변을 잘 해줍니다. 그래서 '북미포럼에 글 쓰면, 북미팀 운영진들은 우리 글을 본다'는 신뢰감을 얻게 되는데요.

저는 한국계정만 가지고 있어서, 북미포럼에 글쓸 수가 없습니다.

글 한 번 쓰겠다고 돈을 한 번 더 낼 순 없잖아요. 북미판 계정도 사야되니까요.

그래서 드리는 말인데, 제 건의사항을(다 영어로 적은 것) 거기에 올려주시면 안될까요? 좀 깁니다만..

올리시게 되면, 글 주소 링크 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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Idea for Terran, especially MECH (제목)

I'll write down my ideas briefly because of my poor English.

there is two upgrades added in armory

1. upgrade heals 1 hp 4 seconds(like zerg units)

 (there is the upgrade in terran campaign in WOL)

2. upgrade which It takes 3 seconds from 4 seconds to transform

 I wanna call the upgrade "transformation controller"

(for viking, siege tank, thor, and hellion - hellbat)

3. hellbat need to gain the Infernal pre-igniter.

 blue flame is better to see than red flame.

 I wanna hellbat to gain wider splash from the upgrade.

4. It's good that combat awareness return to reaper.

 But Its feature needs to be change into looking up the cliff with red signs like Sensor tower.

5. hellbat is not Bio-type anymore(just lignt-mech), instead raven gain "Nano repair" and heal hellbat and other mech units.

6. hellbat's armor increases from 0 to 2, instead HP decreased from 135 to 100

 hellion's hp increased from 90 to 100, and its movement increased from 2.25 to 2.5.

 We need to make their hp(hellion and hellbat) similar to each other. 

7. ghost movement increases from 2.25 to 2.5

 We need to make ghosts 'well-trained sniper(sharp shooter and good runner)'

 snipe's damage changed from 25(+25 vs psionic) to 40

8. Scan displays players' color through the scan edge.

 in a team play, this is good. that is, We can know who casted the scan during a game.

9. extractor, assimilator, and refinery gain a button, which allows players to select workers mining gas.

 If you select two gas buildings and click the button, about 6 workers will be selected.

 You must make the button for the convenient interface.

10. we need to redesign the Neosteel(putting more barrack units in a bunker).

 I think the neosteel is changed into one of terran compaign upgrades.

 auto-bunker(same as 1 more marine) or hardened bunker(more HP)

 Nobody research Neosteel in WOL, and even in HOTS.

11. SCV gain a button, which allows SCV get into command center or planetary fortress.

  Now only the two base buildings have a button for the function.

  they have a button, calling SCVs to come into them(It's similar to Orc's burrow-battle station in Warcraft 3)

  No one uses the function because It is hard and unconvenient to use both in WOL and in HOTS.

i wish you understand the ideas I'm talking about. 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
아이콘 야헝이 (2013-01-24 14:50:11 KST)
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센스 이미지
전 북미 포럼이용 가능한데, 저걸 그대로 올리긴 그렇고 올리려면 많이 수정해야 겠네요. 전 북미포럼에 글 쓸때 외국인이라 글 엉성하게 쓴다는 인상 안주려고 단어 선택은 좀 서투를 지언정, 문법은 칼같은 스타일(직업병임). 그리고 밸런스 의견이 진지하게 받아들여 지게 하려면, '이렇게 바꿨으면해' 뒤에 반드시 '그 이유'가 합당하게 설명될 수록 잘 먹힙니다. 이유가 없으면 그냥 징징글이랑 차이가 없어요.
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