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작성자 아이콘 아이유러버
작성일 2013-01-25 01:20:40 KST 조회 466
팀리퀴드에 케스파시스템과 곰티비 비교글.

It seems we need some more explanation on the difference between GOMTV and KESPA, why GOMTV is stupid,greedy,selfish,and disqualified for a korean main tourney,and why proleague is so important to SC2.

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First, let's have a look at what are foreign tourneys doing:
Gather money from sponsors, pay expense required, and prize pool for players. very good events for fans,but not enough.
why? point 1: losers have no or only a few income. progamers need more stable, richer supply. point 2:too much exhausted.sponsors willing throw money on sc2,but airline companies and hotels got the most part.

and what about Gomtv's business model?

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Gather money from ads and "pay to view", players competing for prize pool. it's one of most stupid business policies I have ever seen.
look at where money come from? first,from viewers who interesting in sc2. take out one's money from his pocket cause he love this game and gamers? WTF is this? SC2 is not mega prosports, there r tons of other PC games around, ask for too much will push many people away from SC2.

look this. compare numbers of view and reply between Dec 2011and Dec2012. See? 70% of viewers didn't care SC2 anymore in 2012.

on the other hand, the most important thing to let a sponsor decides to or not to throw money on GSL and ESF teams, is how many ppl watching them. I know some one really love GSL and ESF players, paid $140 or more yearly, but you just counted as 1 too. Quantity of viewers decreased,willing of sponsors decrease too. This is why I said GOMTV is killing ESF players, SC2,and itself.

now this is KeSPA style
[image loading]

Almost not request any thing from people who interesting in SC2. 5 bucks for a whole season. and 720P Korean stream and vods on youtube for free. Every player can receive stable salary from a contract. Creat a good investment climate to pleasure big companies for their supporting. Spread SC2 as wide as they can.
This is what exactly SC2 and SC2 progamers needing.and the only way to make SC2 big.

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
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발도장 찍기
아이콘 NSYoonGLove (2013-01-25 01:28:12 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
해외대회-스폰서, 티켓값->대회 주최->선수, 항공권, 호텔, 경기장
대회 주최에서 선수, 항공사, 호텔, 경기장 다 구해서 함.

곰TV: 네이밍스폰서, 시청자->곰TV->선수<-팀 스폰서

KeSPA: 네이밍스폰서->케스파&온겜->상금->팀<-기업
보기 쉽게 설명.
penetration (2013-01-25 01:36:19 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
단편적으로밖에 생각 못하네요... 우리나라 실정을 잘 모르는건가
그거곰아냐 (2013-01-25 01:46:23 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
찾아보니 극도로 개인적인 의견이네요
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