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작성자 아이콘 egernya
작성일 2013-08-13 07:46:04 KST 조회 724
밸런스 패치 계획

1. Overseer speed buff (after upgrade) 

TvZ feels quite balanced until the very late game when there are so many skirmishes and so many Widow Mines. We want to keep the really exciting gameplay while finding ways to help out Zerg in those specific battles. Having to micromanage your army in every engagement, morph new Banelings, manage 4-5 (or more) bases, and morph new Overseers can be a bit too much. So we’re going to test giving Overseers a speed buff after the speed upgrade is purchased, so that we keep the early- and mid-game the same while specifically helping out the Zerg in the later stages. They still wouldn't move as fast as say, Mutalisks, but perhaps late game TvZ goes more evenly if Overseers don't lag behind and get killed in most late engagements.

2. Combine mech ground and air upgrades

We don't think Terran is struggling, but do think mech in general has been weak throughout HotS. We tested this specific change a bit in the beta, and we have some idea of how much better mech will be, but a lot has changed since then, so we'd like to actually have players playtest it again. 

Right now, it's looking like the only area where Terran might be weak is late game PvT, but it’s debateable. If so, this change would address that area, because upgrading Vikings that are really core in the matchup will also help with the Hellbat transition in the late game.

3. Vipers start with full energy

We’ve been discussing various options for the Zerg both internally and with top players and casters around the world, and we feel that this change might be a good place to start testing. 

We don't know yet whether we want to increase the rate of Vipers’ spells, and thought it might be cool if Vipers come out of the box at full strength, so their first use has a much bigger impact. It’s possible that we can both increase the strength of Zerg in the late game and bring back a fun strategy that we’re seeing a bit less lately. 

Again, please remember none of these changes are final. We're still constantly watching our ladder data and the highest level tournament games. As we all know, something that looks overpowered right now can change for top players in a matter of 1-2 weeks. We want to know as much as possible about how changes like these play out, so we’re ready when changes are needed.

Thank you!


1. 감군 이속 상향(이속업 이후)

2. 메카닉 공중/지상 업그레이드 통합

3. 살모사 생산시 풀에너지

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

아이콘 예를들면꿍디꿍디 (2013-08-13 07:48:19 KST)
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아이콘 예를들면꿍디꿍디 (2013-08-13 07:48:47 KST)
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2. 메카닉 공중/지상 업그레이드 통합

이거 되면 지옥이 시작됨
아이콘 egernya (2013-08-13 07:50:07 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
Right now, it's looking like the only area where Terran might be weak is late game PvT, but it’s debateable. If so, this change would address that area, because upgrading Vikings that are really core in the matchup will also help with the Hellbat transition in the late game.

토스전 후반 기갑병과 바이킹의 시너지 상향을 위해서 한다네요
아이콘 부료선 (2013-08-13 07:50:17 KST)
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공업 통합도 저번에 안됬는데, 왠 통합?
아이콘 짭퉁미러문 (2013-08-13 07:52:15 KST)
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스타2 접습니다
아이콘 부료선 (2013-08-13 07:52:45 KST)
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토스만 버프가 없네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이콘 사게라스 (2013-08-13 07:53:53 KST)
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와 ㅋㅋ 테란이 버프라니
아이콘 로보로보 (2013-08-13 07:54:51 KST)
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테저전은 거의 변화없을테고 테프전은 이제 압살..
시베리아감귤 (2013-08-13 07:56:50 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
난 왜 이번 시즌 그파에서 테란이 무조건 우승할 것 같지.... 이신형 조마루 막을 저그나 토스가 없는데 테란 버프가 다가오네 ㄷㄷㄷ
아이콘 펩시콜라 (2013-08-13 08:05:59 KST)
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3. 거신뽕 삭제
아이콘 KuF (2013-08-13 08:15:39 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
이것들이 지금 장난도 유분수지 미쳤냐?????????????
슈캐다 (2013-08-13 08:20:44 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
토스에 인재가 없으니깐 그렇지; 이번 결승도 봐라 정윤종 전략 준비 전혀 없고 무난한 경기 운영만 하니깐 멘붕 당해서 허무하게 지는 클라스 ㄷㄷ; 김민철 정도의 멘탈갑이었으면 예측불허였는데 (ㅋㅋ) 대놓고 사령부가 몇번을 나왔는데 전진 로공을 한번도 안하고 본진에서 걸어오는클라스 ㄷㄷ; (예언자는 자리만 차지하는 유닛일뿐이고~) 전 시즌 김유진도 그렇고 최근에 상승세였던 토스들이 제대로 결과물을 안보여줘서 심신이 불편할뿐이고~
아이콘 RichNoel (2013-08-13 08:22:04 KST)
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지상공중 업글 통합하면
지그전은 살모사때문에 메카닉쓸수있을까??
플토전은 메카닉쓸수있는지 의문
테테전은 지옥
아이콘 [zGs]DEN (2013-08-13 08:30:56 KST)
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2번 응?;
아이콘 [zGs]DEN (2013-08-13 08:31:03 KST)
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3번되면 흠.......;;;;;;;
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