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작성자 아이콘 egernya
작성일 2013-12-25 16:54:25 KST 조회 288
27일 wcs na 대만/홍콩/마카오 예선

지금부터 30여시간 뒤.

[image loading]


Sen is not disqualified from WCS NA TW, he is already qualified for WCS NA Challenger league Season 1 2014.

Thursday, Dec 26 7:00pm MST (GMT-07:00)
Friday, Dec 27 7:00pm MST (GMT-07:00)

[image loading]

gb ESL Taiwan

Round-Robin, point based. 4 players per group. Players with the most points advance to the playoffs. The playoffs will consist of wwo Best of 5's, due to season 1 also having a third position open, there will be a third Bo5 between the losers of the first Bo5s to determine our third Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macao qualified player.

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[image loading]


Group A
Ian[image loading]
DS[image loading]
PheonixKing[image loading]
Faan[image loading]

Group B
Has[image loading]
Etd.NicholasHK[image loading]
AK[image loading]
"Iammyownmistake"[image loading]

Group C
Hui[image loading]
Fist[image loading]
aaa[image loading]
LysitheaTung[image loading]

Group D
Slam[image loading]
IrOnSoul [image loading]
Ball[image loading]
Ignite[image loading]

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발도장 찍기
아이콘 호우키 (2013-12-25 17:31:28 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
wcs 일본은 안하냐?
아이콘 johnQ (2013-12-25 18:54:51 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
헉 볼게 생김 헠헠
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  • 사업자등록번호: 406-86-00726

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