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작성일 2014-06-27 20:42:08 KST 조회 160
이쯤에서 다시보는 군단의 심장 베타시절


Swarm Host

  • The locust’s attack range has decreased from 3 to 2.



  • We have removed the oracle’s Preordain ability. We have added a new area of effect ability for the oracle called Phase Shield. 
    Targeted friendly units are shielded from harmful effects for 5 seconds. Fungal Growth, Corruption, Contaminate, Graviton Beam, Concussive Shells, Abduct, Revelation, Vortex, and 250mm Strike Cannons – Phase Shield removes the effect and prevents units from being affected. EMP – Phase Shield removes the anti-cloaking effect but not the damage dealt. Neural Parasite – Phase Shield will not remove this effect but it will prevent units from being affected.
  • The energy upgrade has been removed.
  • Entomb’s duration has been reduced to 25 sec, but the health per Entomb has increased to 100.The cost per unit has changed from 150/200 to 150/150.


  • The attack range has been reduced from 22 to 15.The basic damage has changed from 30 to 30 massive.The ranged upgrade has been removed.


  • Immortal Hardened Shield will now reduce the warhound’s Haywire Missile damage.

Mothership Core / Mothership

  • Recall will now cost 100 energy.
  • The mothership core will now start with 50 energy and when upgraded, energy will be set back to 50.\
  • The range of Purifier Beam has been increased from 7 to 10.


  • This unit has returned to the game.



  • This unit has been removed from the game.


  • We have added a new passive ability called Combat Awareness. This allows reapers to see up cliffs.


  • Battle hellions can now be built from the Factory. It has an Armory requirement.There is a new upgrade at the Armory that will allow transformation between Battle Mode and Normal Mode.

Widow Mine

  • We have removed the Armory requirement.


-식충:사거리 2로 감소


-예언자:Preordain스킬 삭제, 페이즈쉴드(해로운 효과 5초간 면역)라는 스킬 추가, 에너지업그레이드 삭제, 봉쇄 지속시간 감소&체력 상승, 가격 150/150으로 감소

-폭풍함:사거리 15로 감소, 기본데미지 30 거대추가데미지20으로 변경, 사거리업그레이드 삭제

-불멸자:강화보호막이 투견의 데미지를 감소시킵니다.

-모선제어소/모선:리콜의 마나소비량이 100이 됩니다. Purifier Beam의 사거리가 10이 됩니다. 업그레이드시 기본 마나가 50입니다.

-우주모함 복귀



-사신:Combat Awareness라는 신 패시브 추가, 이는 언덕 시야를 밝힙니다.

-헬리언:배틀헬리언 모드로 생산됩니다. 요구사항은 무기고. 무기고에서 변신하는 업그레이드 가능

-거머리지뢰:무기고 요구사항 삭제

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