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작성자 아이콘 뭉치미미
작성일 2014-07-27 13:31:55 KST 조회 529
에이서 팀스토리컵 뉴스

On July 27 2014 05:51 Bumblebee wrote:
The Acer TeamStory Cup is coming up this weekend at TaKe's place in Krefeld, Germany. It's an event we've been focused on for a long time now. We've put in a lot of hours and hard-work towards achieving our goal of making it to grand finals. When Snute all-killed Team Acer in the winnerbracket final, we overcame a hurdle that we haven't been able to in the past; beating Team Acer. We've been very positive about our whole team's performance throughout the groupstage as well as the playoffs. Everyone has really stepped up and carried the team on their back when they needed to.

As I say that, I have some very unfortunate news for not only us, but you guys as well. It's been known for a while that HerO is having some real-life issues that's going to keep him in Korea while the team is competing in Germany. To be more specific, HerO has moved out of the IM house recently and is now looking for a new place to live as he currently doesn't have a way to practice and needs to get that sorted out immediately.

In addition to this, during IEM Shenzhen TaeJa's wrist issues has blown up again. Having travelled quite a bit and played a lot of tournaments recently, there's been a setback and his doctor has advised him to stay home for at least two weeks without playing.

This means we will be without both TaeJa and HerO at the Acer TeamStory Cup finals. With that being said, we're still confident in our abilities and we're going to work hard on giving it our best to take the trophy home. Our 5 Europeans are in the best shape they've ever been. Multiple all-kills and four-kills by them during the online play has really shown how strong we are when we're all at our best.

팀리퀴드 매니져가 올린 글인데 윤영서선수 손목이 IEM 셴젠 이후에 다시 악화됬다네요 최근에 이곳저곳 다니면서 대회 참가해서 무리가 갔

다고 합니다.   그래서 의사가 윤영서 선수한테 집에서 2주 이상 휴식을 취하라고 권고했다네요 ㅠ.ㅠ 

송현덕선수는 최근에 IM 숙소에서 나와서 새로운 숙소를 찾느라 되도록이면 빨리 해결해야되서 못올거 같다네요;;

스누트가 팀 하드캐리 해야될듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래도 요즘엔 송현덕보다 훨씬 낫던데 말이죠 

지속적인 허위 신고시 신고자가 제재를 받을 수 있습니다.
신고 사유를 입력하십시오:

발도장 찍기
월터힐. (2014-07-27 13:34:09 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
세컨아니에욧 (2014-07-27 13:34:53 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
윤영서 아니면 이신형 막을 사람이 없어보이는데 무난히 에이서가 이길듯
아이콘 뭉치미미 (2014-07-27 13:39:40 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
월터힐//// .......... 님 진짜 악질이네요 재밌음?
아이콘 뭉치미미 (2014-07-27 13:39:57 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
세컨아니에욧//// 스누트가 이신형 이길수 있음 딴놈들은 가망없지만
삼삼드래 (2014-07-27 13:41:00 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
송현덕은 요즘 있으나 없으나 아닌가.. IEM쾰른 우승이후론 뭐해도 기대도 안되고
아이콘 뭉치미미 (2014-07-27 13:41:42 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
ㄴ 요즘 숙소찾느라 바쁘고 이런저런 일이 있으셔서 폼이 떨어진거지 원래대로 돌아올거임
삼삼드래 (2014-07-27 13:43:04 KST)
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센스 이미지를 등록해 주세요
근데 팀리그라면 또 뜬금 올킬 할지도모르지..
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