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작성자 아이콘 붕탁은안전합니다
작성일 2015-10-23 14:25:36 KST 조회 367
ㅋㅋ외궈들 수준

Even if I were to think they are human garbage. I wouldn't agree with it.

Just like I think it would be dumb to nullify Muhammad Ali's titles if he was a convicted serial child rapist. He may be human garbage then, but he still won that boxing tournament.

It's an unrelated issue. If they didn't break Afreeca's rules they should not be banned for breaking someone else's rules.

I mean, should they banned from streaming as well because they didn't behave well in primary school and broke the school's rules? Whose other rules is Afreeca going to enforce and whose is it not? 



'무함마드 알리가 성범죄자라고 해서 그동안 딴 타이틀을 모두 무효화하는게 정당한가' 라고 비유하는데 


외궈 수준도 심각하게 낮은 애들도 많군요.ㅋㅋ



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아이콘 스척스척 (2015-10-23 14:41:29 KST)
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아이콘 블루베리베리 (2015-10-23 15:47:57 KST)
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